Bangalore University
D.H.Tejavathi is working as UGC-BSR Faculty Fellow in the Department of Botany, Bangalore University, India. She has published 78 research articles in various national and international journals and completed 8 research projects funded by DST, CSIR, BU-UGC and MoEF, India. She has successfully guided 20 research students for Ph.D degree and 15 students for M.Phil degree. She was conferred with an award ‘Merit of Excellence’ for outstanding contribution to the Medicinal plant research during the 4th international conference on Medicinal plants and herbal products held at John Hopkins University, Rockville, M.D, USA,2012.
Research Interest
In vitro studies – Medicinal plants,Conservation-Micropropagation,Histology of Organogenesis,Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal association with in vivo and tissue cultured plants