Gong YL
Nanjing Medical University, China
Title: Therapeutic Value of Chinese Herbal Decotion in Radiation Pneumonia of Oesophageal Carcinoma
Biography: Gong YL
Objective is to observe the curative effect of Chinese herbal Decoction of Runfei combined with hormone and antibiotic in treating radiation pneumonia (RP) of oesophageal carcinoma. A 56-year-old male underwent surgery for cancer of the uper easophagus (T3N2M0) in Sep. 2014, following postsurgery adjuvantradiotherapy of three dimensional conformal radiotherapy was administered. Two months later, severe pneumonia had been found by Chest X-ray and CT imaging, he received the treatment of hormone and antibiotic. In the meantime, we administered Chinese herbal medicine(Fei Decoction, mixed a variety of effective herbal components) to help him to recover from the poor condition. After taking the Chinese herbs for 2 weeks, the Diffuse patchy shadows and ground glass appearance on Chest X-ray dramatically decreased, with the result to the normal range, and the patient felt free from the complaint of pulmanory and cardiac discomfort. The quality of life has been greatly improved, we managed to have prolonged the PFS (Progression-Free-Survival) and TTP(Time-to-Progression) from the onset to date. In the course of this combined treatment, we showed that Chinese herbal medicine played an importent role in the therapy of oeasophageal carcinoma. Chinese herbs might be an additional choice with its better bebefits and tolerability in the treatment of radiation pneumonia (RP) of oesophageal carcinoma.