Maia Kukhaleishvili
Georgian Technical University, Georgia
Title: Determination of phytotron optimal condition for in vitro potato ontogenesis
Biography: Maia Kukhaleishvili
Three type of combinations with light, temperature, humidity and photoperiod was made: 1. 22-23 oC, 4000 lux, humidity 70%, 16h. 2. 24-25 oC, 5000 lux, humidity 75%, 18h. 3. 26-27 oC, 6000 lux, humidity 80 %, 20h. These were studied on in vitro cultivation of potato cultivars: Sebago, Russet Burbank, Katahdin and Carola for 21-24 days. All in vitro potato cultivars morphological
characterization was variable depending on the type of in vitro condition combination. It was revealed that all researched potato varieties had maximum potential for in vitro propagation (Green leaves, rooting 90% and shoot formation 94%) on combination of: 24-25 oC, 5000 lux, humidity 75% and 18h after 17 days of cultivation. Plant development (Green leaves, rooting 87% and shoot formation 92%) on the in vitro condition combination: 22-230C, 4000lux, humidity 70% and 16h was completed after 21 days. And in vitro shoot and root formation (light green leaves, rooting 89% and shoot formation 78%) on combination of: 26-27 oC, 6000 lux, humidity 80% and 20h was presented after 14 days of cultivation. Best combination (26-27 oC, 6000 lux, humidity 80% and 20h) of in vitro condition for all researched potato varieties in vitro cultivation was selected for their leave colors, rooting, and shoot formation.