Iveta Megrelishvili
Georgian Technical University, Georgia
Title: The effects of sucrose on in vitro tuberization of potato cultivars
Biography: Iveta Megrelishvili
Two potato varieties: “Sebago” and “Carola” were tested for in vitro tuberization response under three different MS mediums: 1. MS+60g/l sucrose (6% MS medium) 2. MS+80g/l Sucrose (8%MS medium) 3. MS+100g/l Sucrose (10% MS medium). As a control, basal MS medium (3% MS medium) was used. The objective was to determine optimum concentration of sucrose for in vitro tuberization. Three parameters were observed in response to treatment, number, weight and diameter of microtuber. In both cultivars, among the three concentrations of sucrose, Murashige and Skoog (MS) medium supplemented with 100g/L sucrose showed a better value of microtuber number, diameter and weight than the other concentrations. Morphological characterization of micro tubers of two potato cultivars on 10% MS medium was a bit different. Accordingly, this medium gave an average value of microtuber number (3.98±0.04), microtuber diameter (9.9±0.02mm), and weight (0.09±0.003g) of microtuberian variety Sebago after 54.8±0.87 days of in vitro cultivation. Average microtuber number (2.8±0.02), microtuber diameter (9.4±0.03mm) and weight (0.087±0.002g) was showed by cultivars Carola. Microtubers were not developed on 6% and 8% MS medium (only embryonal microtubers). Finally, 10% MS medium was selected as an optimal MS medium for in vitro micro tuberization in two cultivars of potato (Sebago, Carola) after 54.8±0.87 days of in vitro cultivation