Rob Krams
Chair in Molecular Bioengineering / Co-director BHF-Centre of Excellence
Imperial College London
Professor Krams holds a Chair in Molecular Bioengineering at Imperial College, London. Prior to joining Imperial College he worked as Associate Professor in the department Bioengineering, Thoraxcentre Rotterdam, the Netherlands and as associate professor/chair in the department of Medical Physics, Free University in Amsterdam. He received his Medical Degree and Ph.D. from the Free University, Amsterdam in 1989.
Research Interest
His research is focussed on the molecular mechanism underlying biomechanical stimuli. To that end he uses a combination of engineering techniques (imaging, systems biology and synthetic biology) and molecular techniques (high throughput, qPCR, life cell imaging) to study the interaction of gene expression and shear stress and wall stress on cells in culture and in whole animals.
Prof. Bharat Bhushan is an Ohio Eminent Scholar and the Howard D. Winbigler Professor in the Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering. Dr. Bhushan came to OSU in 1991 after a 15-year career in industry, working primarily for IBM Almaden Research Center. A professor with diverse interests, Dr. Bhushan’s works in biomimetic interface science, surface engineering, nanotribology, and materials research.
Research Interest
His research has focused on scanning probe techniques in the interdisciplinary areas of bio/nanotribology, bio/nanomechanics and bio/nanomaterials characterization and applications to bio/nanotechnology, and biomimetics. His work there focused on policy and funding of various scientific government agencies, setting science and engineering goals for the country, and STEM education.
I have completed my M.Sc and D.Sc studies at the Faculty of Medicine, Technion-Israel Institute of Technology, and postdoctoral studies at the Department of Molecular Biology and Pharmacology, School of Medicine, Washington University, St. Louis Missouri, USA. I developed the Molecular Genetic Laboratory at Carmel Medical Center, Haifa, Israel, and lead this laboratory last 20 years until October 2015. I am the head of Molecular Genetic Laboratory at the Department of Human Biology, University of Haifa, Israel since 2004 and teaching genetics, genetic engineering and Endocrinology at the Faculty of Natural Sciences, at University of Haifa, Haifa, Israel. I have published more than 90 manuscripts in reputed journals and serving as a member of the Israel Council for Higher Education last 15 years.
Research Interest
In my laboratory I supervise graduate students for Ph.D and for M.Sc. thesis and the recent ongoing projects related to these fields include:
1.My lab is interested in structure - function studies of Thyrotropin (TSH); identifying protein regions which are determinants for hormone specific post-translational modifications and receptor binding/biologic activity, using site-directed mutagenesis, gene fusion and mutant cell lines. Using the molecular biology techniques I will try to study the role of oligosaccharides in the structure and function of thyrotropin (TSH). This may expand our understanding in the role of oligosaccharides in the hormone function and may lead to the development of new agonists and antagonists.
2.My lab is interested in identification of pre-apoptotic factors and characterization of their molecular pathways in human cancer cells. Recently we have concentrated in indole-derivatives, derivatives that are exist in cruciferous vegetables, natural antioxidants, medicinal plants and medicinal mushrooms. The main goal of these studies is to elucidate such a novel and powerful natural compounds that can be used as an adjuvant nutritional therapy in preventing or a delaying the progression of cancer. The efficacy of these compounds will be tested in vitro using human cancer cells and in vivo using animal models. Moreover, the molecular mechanism of action of these factors will be studied in the cells using CHIP DNA analysis. These studies may lead to better understanding the biology of human cancer and may lead to the development of new strategies for prevention and treatment of human cancer.
3. The role of hormones in cancer development; studying the role of the indolic melatonin hormone in prevention of breast and prostate cancer. Over the last 120 years, increased exposure of humans to light at night imposed a long photoperiod of about 16-18 hours of light all year long, thus contributing to a of 'loss-of-seasonality'. Recent studies have linked disruption of normal circadian rhythms, via exposure to LAN, to the development of cancer. The indolic hormone melatonin (MLT) , considered as the universal regulator of biological rhythms, was found to have oncostatic and anti-proliferative effects in both in vitro and in vivo studies. Additionally, low levels of MLT may indirectly act to increase cancer risk by modulating the secretion of hormones implicated in carcinogenesis. In the current research we will determine the impact of 'loss-of-seasonality' due to long term exposure to light at night, experienced by the majority of people in the industrialized world, on the development of breast and prostate cancer in animal models. Moreover, the impact of MLT on the uptake of chemotherapeutic drugs (e.g. tamoxifen) administered during the day or night will be examined. Taken together, the results of our studies are expected to facilitate the formulation of guidelines regarding sensible use of illumination that will minimize the current risks associated with LAN without compromising our ability to work and live in a safe environment.