Eka Sunarwidhi Prasedya
Fukushima Medical University, Japan
Title: Sulphated polysaccharides from seaweeds has potential to inhibit cell growth and cell cycle arrest of human cancer cells
Biography: Eka Sunarwidhi Prasedya
Sulphated polysaccharides from marine algaes has been previously reported to have therapeutic properties. Esp ecially, sulphated polysaccharides such as carrageenaand n fucoidan are known to exhibit strong antitumor activities. However, little is known about the mechanism of fucoidan or carrageenan an titumor activities towards human cells. In this study, firstly, we evaluated the effects of fucoidan and carrageenan towards cell growth of HeLa cells. HeLa cells were cultured with various concentrations of fucoidan (0-100 µg/mL) and carrageenan (0-1000 µg/mL). Both sulphated polysaccharides were seen to i nhibit cell growth of HeL a cells. To confirm whether cell growth is truely inhibited or not, fucci fluorescent ubiquitiniation-based cell cycle indicator were used to evaluate cell cycle arrest due to fucoidan and carrageenan treatment. Cell cycle was seen to be arrested at the G1 phase which indicates that later on cells would undergo apoptosis. The findings of this study so far gives the idea that fucoidan and carrageenan inhibits cell growth of HeLa cells by arresting cell cycle. Future studies are still needed to provide better understanding of the antitumor mechanisms of marine algae sulphated polysaccharides.