Marine Biotechnology

Marine biotechnology, sometimes referred to as “blue biotechnology”, exploits the diversity found in marine environments in terms of the form, structure, physiology and chemistry of marine organisms, many of which have no equivalent on land, in ways which enable new materials to be realised. Marine biotechnology is a knowledge generation and conversion process: it unlocks access to biological compounds and provides novel uses for them.  By exploring and harnessing marine materials, entirely new uses in areas far from the marine are likely to be found. Marine biotechnology is an opportunity recognised by policy makers and the enterprise sector as offering signifiant potential to fill market gaps for new products.

    Related Conference of Marine Biotechnology

    April 10-11, 2025

    31st Asia Pacific Biotechnology Congress

    Singapore City, Singapore
    June 16-17, 2025

    28th World Congress on Biotechnology

    Amsterdam, Netherlands
    June 23-24, 2025

    28th European Biotechnology Congress

    Paris, France
    September 15-16, 2025

    29th Global Congress on Biotechnology

    Aix-en-Provence, France
    December 04-05, 2025

    9th International Conference on Protein Engineering

    Paris, France

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