Alexei A Yeliseev
National Institute on Alcoholism and Alcohol Abuse USA
Alexei Yeliseev received his Ph.D. in biochemistry in 1987 from the Russian Academy of Sciences in Moscow and did his postdoctoral research in enzymology in Marburg, Germany and in molecular biology and biochemistry in Cambridge, UK. After moving to US in1993 he worked as a Research Fellow at the University of Texas Medical School at Houston and as a Senior Scientist at Hoffmann-La Roche and later, at Kosan Biosciences, Inc. He later moved to the National Institutes of Health where he currently heads the protein biochemistry group developing technologies for expression, purification, and analysis of recombinant G protein-coupled receptors. In addition to his research work he serves as a member of editorial board of Protein Expression and Purification and Journal of Receptor, Ligand and Channel Research
Abstract : Human cannabinoid receptor CB2: Expression, functional and structural studies