Scientific Program

Conference Series Ltd invites all the participants across the globe to attend 12th EuroBiotechnology Congress Alicante, Spain.

Day :

  • Pharmaceutical Biotechnology | Biotechnology in healthcare | Industrial and Microbial Biotechnology | Environmental Biotechnology | Advances in Biotech Manufacturing
Location: Terra Mitica


Jose Manuel Guisan

Spanish Research Council (CSIC), Spain



Jan Szopa-Skorkowski

Wroclaw University, Poland


Jose Manuel Guisan has completed his PhD in Biochemistry at University Autonoma of Madrid in 1979. Currently he is a full Professor at Spanish Research Council (CSIC) since 2001 and a Visiting Professor at St. Bartholomew’s Hospital Medical School. His research activities include a total of 400 papers in books and journals (in more than 90% as corresponding author) and 25 patent applications.


The physicochemical coating of enzyme surfaces with viscous polymers greatly improves the stability of enzymes against distorting agents (heat, organic solvents, lipids, etc.). Different coating approaches are discussed: (1) Utilization of dextran-aldehyde (chemically attached to the enzymes) as scaffolds to design highly viscous polymers: Dextran-PEG, dextran-glycine, dextran-PEG-glycine, dextran-PEG-polyethyleneimine, etc. (2) Direct coating with polyethyleneimine, additional adsorption of dextran sulfate and additional modification with PEG-aldehyde, etc. Enzymes are firstly stabilized by multipoint covalent attachment and lipases are stabilized by interfacial adsorption on different hydrophobic supports. Different lipases were tested as well as different endoxylanases. The highest stabilizing effects were observed at room temperature (higher viscosity of the coating polymers) with hydrophilic viscous polymers. The enzymes were highly stabilized in aqueous and anhydrous media. For example, lipase from Rhizomucor miehie was stabilized 1000 fold regarding the unmodified enzyme. The highly stabilized derivative was very useful to synthesize sn-2 docosahexaenyl monoacylglycerol, a very interesting food ingredient


Fabrizio Muzi has completed his studies as General Surgeon from Tor Vergata University of Rome. He works in the Department of Oncologic Urology as an Assistant of the Director Prof. Gaetano Tati. He has completed his Master’s degree in Andrology from Pisa University and in Surgical Andrology from Trieste University. He has published some papers and participated in national congresses related about the use of gas therapy in urology


Cystitis often appears even in absence of bacteria colonization. Trigonitis and interstitial inflammation are the most common morphological features of abacterial cystitis in young and post menopausal women. Arterial obstructive disease and bladder ischemia might play an important role in bladder dysfunction. Activated inflammatory cells produce radicals of Oxygen (ROS), NF-kB seems involved in ROS synthesis. Clinical studies have indicated that high CO2 levels can impact upon peripheral tissue, reducing ischemia, responsible of recurrent inflammation and consequently reducing oxidative phenomena. Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) is a volume of fractionated plasma from the patient's own blood that contains platelet concentrate rich of alpha granules. PRP interacts with tissue repair mechanisms by placing supra-physiological concentrations of autologous platelets at the site of tissue damage. This study proposes a double PRP transvaginal injection followed by 15-20 weekly applications of carboxytherapy, using subcutaneous injections of sterile CO2 gas. We have selected 10 women (50-70 years), affected by recurrent abacterial cystitis with pain and urge incontinence. All patients showed a subjective sensible reduction of symptoms. We especially noticed an improvement of urgence with positive impact with patient's quality of life. After 6 months all patients have neither inflammatory symptoms nor endoscopic evidence of trigonitis. No patients had side effects after the described procedure. Both carboxytherapy and PRP are safe procedures and show good know-how thanks for wide diffusion of aesthetic uses. Preliminary qualitative results could encourage the use of carboxytherapy and PRP in treatment of abacterial and interstitial cystitis.


Ricardo Hugo Lira-Saldivar has completed his PhD from University of California, USA. He is a Senior Researcher at the Centro de Investigacion en Quimica Aplicada (CIQA) belonging to the Federal Government, located in Saltillo, Coahuila, Mexico. He has published more than 35 papers in reputed journals and has been serving as an Editorial Board Member of several journals.


We examined the influence of ZnO nanoparticles (NPs) with and without silver added on germination of Solanum lycopersicum (tomato) seeds and on growth of Capsicum annuum (pepper) seedlings. The S. lycopersicum seeds were treated with 0, 5, 10, 15 and 20 mgL-1 of pure ZnO NPs. According to results, the 5 mg L-1 dose promoted better germination (93%), greater root and shoot length (13.35 cm and 3.25 cm respectively), as well seed vigor index, which was increased three times (1546.28±100.30) regarding to control (509.60±51.10). Our findings indicate that ZnO NPs promoted better seed germination by enhancing the antioxidative defense system, which finally resulted in increased seedling growth. The C. Annuum assays indicate that compared to control plants, treatments exposed to foliar application of 50 mgL-1 of ZnO NPs+Ag (2.5%), were those that had a significant higher shoot and root growth, as well greater biomass production with higher values of height (16.8%), leaf area (30.3%), total biomass production (59.5%), root dry biomass (112.5%), stem dry biomass (76%) and root length (24.4%). Regarding to control plants, those treated with ZnO NPs+Ag (2.5%), reported a quantitative increase of the chlorophyll index (8%) and leaves number (32.6%). The biological effect of the NPs applied, could be related to the zinc activity as a precursor in the production of auxins, which in turn promote cell division and elongation, as well by its influence on the reactivity of indol acetic acid, that acts as hormonal phytoestimulant.


A Karthikeyan is a Professor and Head of Department of Botany/Microbiology and he is working in KGF First Grade College, Kolar, India. He has published 8 research papers in various national and international journals and completed 10 student research projects. He was conferred with an international award at Dubai- “Indo Dubai Pacific Achievers Award on 20/11/2015.


India has great biodiversity of blue green algae in general which has contributed to fertility of the soils and in relatively well documented. Efforts have been made to study the algal flora in the tailings or cyanide dumps of the Kolar gold fields and an attempt has been made to draw the knowledge about heterocyst and non-heterocyst nitrogen fixing organisms like blue green algae, which are ubiquitous in distribution and contribute to the world wide nitrogen status. It has been widely studied in the paddy field soils addition of Cyanobacteria to enhance the crop yield. Algalisation is best where nearby species are utilized to get ready inoculums. It is therefore important to have detailed information of indigenous algal population particularly the nitrogen fixating species. Several investigative reports on the abundance of soil algae in different geographical areas of India are available. Many areas of region still remain unexplored. In this context the present investigation was taken up in the tailings or cyanide dumps and recorded 60 algal species in which, 37 species of Cyanophyceae, 12 species of Chlorophyceae, 09 species of Bacillariophyceae amd 2 species of Euglenophyceae. The most abundance genera of algae present in the area are as follows Microcystis elongata, Anabaena circinalis, Aphanocapsa koordaesi, Calothrix castelli, Chroococcus giganteus, Gloeocapsa gelatinosa, Crinalium magnum, Nostoc commune, Oscillatoria obscura, Phormidium parpurescens, Synechococcus pevalikii, Chlorella vulgaris, Chlorococcum croccum, Cymbella ventucosa, Navicula rhomboids, Euglena elongata etc.


Fabrizio Muzi has completed his studies as General Surgeon from Tor Vergata University of Rome. He works in the Department of Oncologic Urology as an Assistant of the Director Prof. Gaetano Tati. He has completed his Master’s degree in Andrology from Pisa University and in Surgical Andrology from Trieste University. He has published some papers and participated in national congresses related about the use of gas therapy in urology.


Peyronie’s disease (PD) is an acquired disorder of tunica albuginea characterized by the formation of plaques of fibrous tissue often associated to symptoms like erectile dysfunction (ED) and coital pain. The inflammatory process is unknown, even if it is known that activated inflammatory cells produce many radicals of Oxygen (ROS), leading to fibroblast proliferation and collagen synthesis. Endothelian dysfunction is the responsible of inflammatory chain reaction in which an inflammatory protein, NF-kB seems involved in ROS synthesis. Conservative treatments (laser, ultrasound, iono/iontophoresis) seem to have poor therapeutic effects in PD. Clinical studies have indicated that altered CO2 levels can impact upon disease progression. CO2 levels can be sensed by cells resulting in the initiation of pathophysiologic responses with a sensible reduction of oxidative phenomena (Bohr/Haldane effects). We have tried carboxytherapy by using sovrapubic subcutaneous injection of sterile CO2 gas in 25 patients aged from 40 to 65, affected by PD. After the cycle of treatment of 15 weekly applications, we have observed in all patients a subjective reduction of penile deviation, an improvement of quality of erections and a sensible reduction of plaque's dimensions, documented by ultrasound controls and IIEF questionary before and after the end of cycle. We should consider CO2 as a powerful antioxidant against endothelian dysfunction and oxidative stress. NF-kB is a target of CO2 antioxidant power. Preliminary qualitative results could encourage an extended use of carboxytherapy in PD treatment.

Venugopal N

Sri Jagadguru Renukacharya College of Science, Arts and Commerce, India

Title: Biodiversity conservation of ethnoveterinary plants used by Yadava tribes in Karnataka, India

Venugopal N is a Professor and Head of Department of Botany/Microbiology and he is working in Sri Jagadguru Renukacharya College of Science, Arts and Commerce, India. He has published 21 research papers in various national and international journals and completed 20 student research projects. He was conferred with an award ‘Talented Scientist Award’ for outstanding contribution to the medicinal plant research during the 4th international conference on medicinal plants and herbal products held at John Hopkins University, USA in 2012 and Award of Excellence in microbial biotechnology in 2015 at Pondicherry.


Nature has provided a complete storehouse of remedies to cure ailment of mankind. Medicinal plants have been used for centuries as remedies for diseases because they contain component of therapeutic values. Ethno-veterinary medicine is the holistic interdisciplinary study of the local knowledge and the socio-cultural structures and environment associated with animal healthcare and husbandry. Herbal medicines are used as the major remedy in traditional medical system. Herbal medicines are being used by nearly about 80% of the world population, primarily in developing countries for primary health care. Western Ghats is veritable niche of growing healing herbs, which are being used in Indian system of medicine like Ayurveda, Siddha and Unani Traditional healing system play an important role in maintaining the physical and psychological well being of the vast majority of tribal people in India. The present study was initiated with an aim to identify knowledgeable resource persons and document their knowledge of on the utilization of medicinal plants. The present documentation of traditional knowledge from an area where novel information has been generated will not only provide recognition to this knowledge but will also help in its conservation vis-a-vis providing pharmacological leads for the betterment of animals in human society. The practice of using herbal medicines is widely spread in this region with higher percentage of tribal as well as non tribal population relying on it is because of lack of awareness; shyness and lack of modern medical facilities available in their region and the high cost of modern medical system for treatment are unaffordable by tribal.


Akli Ouelhadj has completed his PhD at Martin Luther University, Germany and Postdoctoral studies from Pen State University, USA. Since 2009, he is an Assistant Professor at the Department of Biochemistry and Microbiology, University of Mouloud Mammeri, Algeria. His main interests focuses on microbial and plant biotechnology, genetics, bioactives compounds and abiotic stress.


The constant evolution of bacterial resistance to antibiotics and the emergence of new infectious diseases is a major public health problem; hence the urgent need for new antimicrobial molecules. Actinomycetes, slow growing Gram-positive bacteria are known as an organism that is useful in the search for bioactive compounds. In this study, 27 isolates of actinomycetes were isolated from soil samples collected in the area of Tizi Ouzou region (northern Algeria). A significant difference in the number of colonies was observed between the different culture media (Bennett, GLM and Sabouraud). After purification, the antibacterial activity of the 27 actinomycetes strains was tested against three bacterial strains from the ATCC collection (Escherichia coli ATCC 25922, Pseudomonas aeruginosa ATCC 27853 and Staphylococcus aureus ATCC 25923) by two agar diffusion methods: the perpendicular streak method and the agar cylinder method. Among 27 isolated strains, 13 showed antibacterial activity toward at least one bacterium in the primary screening. Of the 13 strains showing an antibacterial activity, 5 of them were found to be highly active against Staphylococcus aureus with inhibition diameters ranging from 20 to 26 mm. The 27 isolates were then subjected for enzymatic activities. From the test, only 3 strains of isolates have the ability to degrade cellulose; 4 showed amylase and 3 protease activities. The isolates showed positive results were then selected for identification.

Elena Don

Institute of General Pathology and Pathophysiology, Russia

Title: Released-active antibodies: Breakthrough concept of antibodies-based therapeutics

Elena Don was graduated with a Master degree in Molecular and Cellular Biotechnology from Moscow State University of Fine Chemical Technologies, Russia. Presently she is a PhD student focusing on pharmacology and immunoassays development at Institute of General Pathology and Pathophysiology, Russia. She underwent a study course in immunoassay techniques at AB Biotechnology (Edinburgh, UK). She has published a number of manuscripts in reputed journals in English and Russian and successfully participated in international conferences and congresses.


Transformation of the antibodies (Abs) substances to final dosage form is a difficult task. The antibodies-based drugs have some limitations while manufacturing and using like stability, toxicity, administration. I am pleased to acquaint you with the drugs based on released-active Abs which have overcome the mentioned disadvantages. Phenomenon of released-activity was explored and represented to the scientific community by Russian Professor Oleg Epstein. He suggested combining multiple circles of consecutive decrease in the substance’s initial concentration and physical treatment up to the desired dilution with the use as a substance such biotechnological product as Abs. This forward-looking manufacturing technique allows us to receive reproducible product with unique features. Although the final dilution is too high to content any molecule of initial substance these technologically treated product has an ability not to neutralize the targets but modify the interaction between the target and corresponding molecule-regulator. High efficacy and lack of toxicity of release-active Abs-based drugs were confirmed in plenty of preclinical studies and in top-quality clinical trials. Another astonishing effect of released-activity is observed during conjoin use of the released-active substance with the initial one. Such application helps to increase the effectiveness simultaneously with decreasing toxicity (against the initial substance in the same dose plus placebo) and could be used for production of beneficial and advantaged biosimilars. Drugs based on released-active Abs is turning to be unique medicines which combine the high efficacy and safety and several of them are already presented on the market of 16 countries.


Laura Katherine Rodriguez Sanchez is a Biologist, currently pursuing MSc in Biotechnology as a Member of the research group ‘Estudio químico y de actividad biológica de Rutaceae y Myristicaceae colombianas’ of the Universidad Nacional de Colombia on the lines of plant biotechnology, phytochemistry and chemoprospecting. Her areas of interest on research are plant biotechnology, phytochemistry and plant physiology.


Piper cf. cumanense is a species of which have been isolated some compounds with promissory bioactivity, particularly to pest control in economically important crops and with potential use in parasitic diseases. However, these compounds have been obtained in low concentrations being important to use biotechnology strategies in order to obtain more quantities of bioactive substances. This study contributes to the investigations on this species in the development of strategies that improve the production of these compounds. Mature seeds were placed in MS medium supplemented with 3% (w/v) sucrose and 0.02 mg/L of gibberellic acid (AG3) for germination. Laminas and petioles were excised from young plants obtained in vitro and were cultured in MS medium supplemented with benzylaminopurine (BAP) and 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D) in combination at different concentrations for organogenesis and callogenesis establishment. Excised young plants and callus were freeze-dried, powdered and extracted with ethyl acetate and analyzed by HPLC. The major production of friable callus was obtained using petiole as explant on MS medium supplemented with 2,4-D (1.0 mg/L) and BAP (0.5 mg/L). Callus presented oxidation and to overcome it, some strategies were used being frequent subcultures the most effective. HPLC chromatograms exhibited different patterns in major metabolites of the organs evaluated highlighting differences between in vitro and ex vitro leaves. This research provides basis for applying different strategies to increase metabolites production on in vitro cultures and for the development of biosynthetic studies.


Daniela Ehgartner is currently pursuing PhD at the University of Technology in Vienna, Austria. She has completed her undergraduate studies in Nutritional Science and her Masters in Biotechnology and Bioanalytics


Spore inoculum quality in filamentous bioprocesses is a critical parameter associated with viable spore concentration and spore germination. It influences pellet morphology and consequently, process performance. The state-of-the-art method to investigate this quality attribute is colony forming unit (CFU), being tedious, associated with significant inherent bias and not applicable in real time. The approach presented here is based on combining viability staining and large-particle flow cytometry enabling measurements in real-time. It is compatible with complex medium background and allows the quantification of metabolically active spores and monitoring of spore germination. In an industrial bioprocess with filamentous fungi, a good correlation to CFU was found. Spore swelling and spore germination were followed over the initial process phase with close temporal resolution. The validation of the method showed an error of spore classification of less than 5%. In this contribution bioprocesses with various spore inoculum qualities were monitored at-line. Thereby, critical parameters concerning the amount of germinating spores in spore inoculum were found. Related to these critical parameters, differences of spore germination on agar plates vs. liquid environment were observed. These findings challenge the CFU as appropriate method for spore inoculum quality determination. Two applications of the method are proposed: First, the determination of spore inoculum quality before starting the cultivation to guarantee a common starting point for the batches. Secondly, monitoring of spore swelling to adjust the process in real-time to prevent batch failure. These common starting points ensure homogeneity of morphology between cultivations and consequently, better process performance.



Marine sponge extracts are increasingly utilized as immunosuppressive and anticancer therapeutic agents. This study aimed to investigate the immunosuppressive activity and cytotoxicity of presumably a novel Sri Lankan sponge species, Haliclona (Soestella) sp., the crude sponge extract (HSCE) and its purified fractions were tested for these activities by the MTT dye reduction assay on Wistar rat bone marrow cells (BMCs) and on the Hep-2 human larynx carcinoma cell line, respectively. Sponge samples were harvested from Unawatuna, Galle, Sri Lanka by scuba diving and refluxed thoroughly with methanol/dichlorommethane, followed by filtration and rota evaporation. The resultant HSCE was subjected to solvent-solvent partitioning with chloroform, ethyl acetate, hexane and water. The HSCE and its fractions (10, 100, 1000, 2000 and 5000 µg/mL) were tested ex vivo on BMC proliferation by the MTT assay. Cytotoxicity of the HSCE and its chloroform fraction (CF) were tested at 6.25, 12.5, 25, 50 and 100 µg/mL on the Hep-2 cell line. BMC proliferation evidenced dose dependant percentage inhibition by the HSCE with significant proliferation inhibition observed in 1000 and 2000 µg/mL concentrations (P<0.05; IC50-0.719 µg/mL for 2000 µg/mL dose). Highest (100%) inhibition was exhibited by the CF followed by the ethyl acetate fraction (60-70% inhibition) with no inhibition by water and hexane fractions. Cytotoxicity of HSCE and CF on Hep-2 cells reported EC50 values of 19.7 and 29.7 µg per mL, respectively. In conclusion, the HSCE and its fractions were immunosuppressive with respect to BMC proliferation, while HSCE and CF showed cytotoxicity against human larynx carcinoma cells.


Nyadar Palmah is currently a Postgraduate student under the supervision of Oberemok Volodymyr at the V.I. Vernadsky University, Simferopol, Crimea.   


In our studies concerning the elaboration of DNA insecticides, we found that topically applied antisense oligoRING (5'-CGACGTGGTGGCACGGCG-3') from conservative region of IAP-3 (inhibitor of apoptosis) gene of Lymantria dispar multicapsid nuclear polyhedrosis virus (LdMNPV) causes significantly higher mortality of Lymantria dispar caterpillars and decrease of host IAP-1 gene expression in LdMNPV-infected insect cells. Also using DNA ladder assay for apoptosis detection we found that oligoRING triggers stronger apoptotic processes in infected insect cells in comparison with water-treated control and groups with control oligonucleotides. Demonstrated insecticidal effect of the oligoRING on LdMNPV-infected Lymantria dispar has also been observed in our investigations with LdMNPV-infected Lymantria monacha and LdMNPV-infected Cydalima perspectalis. We decided to term this phenomenon described for 3 lepidopteran pests as VOVA (Virus before Oligonucleotide-Vent to Apoptosis) effect. Of note, we could not reach VOVA effect with LdMNPV and oligoRING on dipteran Drosophila melanogaster and coleopteran Leptinotarsa decemlineata what shows specificity of VOVA effect/many lepidopteran pests in horticulture and forestry are successfully controlled by application of baculoviruses. Baculoviral preparations have proven to be selective and expensive, acting effectively but slowly. The slow action of a baculovirus is associated with a latent period in the life cycle of the virus. Discovered insecticidal effect of the viral oligoRING on LdMNPV-infected L. dispar, L. monacha, C. perspectalis is a fundamental finding for a host-virus system that could be applied in biologically based insect pest management together with baculoviral preparations to provide more effective and faster action of the latter.

  • Plant Biotechnology | Industrial and Microbial Biotechnology | Agriculture Biotechnology | Animal Biotechnology | Nanobiotechnology


Fuad Fares

University of Haifa, Israel



D H Tejavathi

Bangalore University, India


Magdalena Zuk has completed her PhD from Wroclaw University in 2003 and worked on diversification of secondary metabolites in crop plants (flax, potato). She has published more than 35 papers in reputed journals and is a Member of Board of Linum Foundation, a non-profit organization promoting pro-health use of flax products.


The chalcone synthase (CHS) gene controls the first step in the flavonoid biosynthesis route, the metabolic pathway in which anthocyanins, phenolic acids, lignins, simply phenols were produced. The transgenic plants with overexpression of the heterological CHS gene were generated, leading to the increased synthesis of flavonoids, high antioxidant potential and improve the properties of products obtained such as flax fiber and oil. At the same time, repressing the endogenous CHS gene should verify the results of research on its overexpression and provide information on its potential role of CHS in the redistribution of substrates and diversification of metabolites within the phenylpropanoid pathway, especially in relation to lignins. In flax, CHS down-regulation resulted in tannin accumulation and reduction in lignin synthesis but plant growth was not affected. This suggests that lignin content and thus cell wall characteristics might be modulated through chalcone synthase gene activity. The important role of CHS gene is in regulation of cell wall sensing as well as polymer content and arrangement. CHS-reduced flax also showed significant changes in morphology and arrangement of the cell wall. The additional result of this work was indication of relationship between the expression of the CHS gene and the metabolism and stability of fatty acid in flax. Plant with reduction of CHS produced oil with ideal proportion of ω6/ω3 fatty acids. Summing up CHS modification induces signal transduction cascade that leads to modification of flax metabolism in a wide range and positively diversify its products


M N Shiva Kameshwari has consistently good academic record with PhD from University of Mysore, India. She has been actively investigating on medicinal plants, particularly on Urginea species found in India by employing the state of the art research methods to resolve the genetic diversity and its implications on conservation. She is the recipient of many awards for her research contributions and has over 50 research publications. She is a permanent Faculty Member in the Department of Botany, Bangalore University, India.


The species of Urginea such as U. indica, U. wightii and U. polyphylla are known for phenotypic and genotypic plasticity. The 2C values of Urginea indica in 5 accessions include 3 diploids with 2n=20, one tetraploid 2n=40 and a pentaploid 2n=50. In U. wightii 3 accessions with 2n=20 diploid, one Aneuploid 2n=36 and one mixoploid with diploid and tetraploid 2n=20 and 40. In U. polyphylla 2n=54 have been detected. Intraspecific variations have been noticed in the genome size is significant. In diploids the highest C value (1C=45.78 pg) being found in the accession-846 lowest (1C=27.7 pg) in accession-843, an intermediate one (1C=38.45 pg in accession-835. In Tetraploid (1C=51.53 pg) accession-840 while in pentaploids (1C=38.91 pg) accession-842. In U. wightii complex diploids with 1C=49.24 pg which is highest accession-839 and in myxoploid 1C=38.49 pg in accession-848 and anueploid 1C=37.56 pg) accession-825 were reported and the factors contributing to such variations in genome size are discussed.


Hiremath Visweswaraiah Thippaiah is an Associate Professor of Botany. He has completed his PhD from Karnatak University, Dharwad, India. He has published more than 15 papers in reputed journals and presented research articles at various national and international conferences at Malaysia, Singapore, Sri Lanka and USA. He has been awarded ‘Talented Scientist Award’ through ICMPHP-2013. He is also serving as an Executive Editorial Member in Life Sciences Feed of repute.


India has one of world’s richest medicinal plant heritages. The wealth is not only in terms of the number of unique species documented but also in terms of the tremendous depth of traditional knowledge for the use of human & livestock health and also for agriculture. The medicinal plant species are used by various ethnic communalities for human and veterinary health care, across the various ecosystems from Ladakh in the trans-Himalayas to the southern coastal tip of Kanyakumari and from the deserts of Rajasthan and Kutch to the hills of the North-east. Chitradurga district of Karnataka state at its extreme limits is situated between longitudinal parallels of 76’ 01’ and 77’ 01 east of Greenwich and latitudinal parallels of 13’ 34’ and 15’ 02’ north of equator in the leeward side of the Western Ghats. The topographical and climate diversity of the region has resulted in dry deciduous to thorn scrub forest. The plant diversity of the region is facing a severe depletion due to the continuous loss of forest land, uncontrolled grazing, forest fire, landslides and anthropogenic activities. At this juncture, conservation and protection of ethno medicinal plants of the region needs top priority. The present investigation is an attempt to survey of Asclepiadaceae members for their ethno-medicinal uses to cure various ailments by the ethnic groups of the region. The local health healers/tribes are routine use of 08 medicinal plants belonging to Asclepiadaceae for the treatment of diseases, which includes snake bite, diabetes mellitus, asthma, cough, urinary infection, jaundice, piles, rheumatism and veneral diseases. The study reveals that leaves and roots were most frequently used (07 sps), followed by stem (02 sps), Latex (02 sps), fruits/seeds, bark and flowers one species each. The plant species used in the treatment are Calotropis procera, Hemidesmus indicus, Gymnema sylvestre, Leptodenia reticulate, Tylophora asthmatica, Sarcostemma secamone, Wattakaka volubilis and Pergularia daemia. The study showed that many people of Chitradurga district still depend traditionally on medicinal plants for primary health care. Therefore, the present study is an attempt to explore and conserve ethno-medicinal plants of Asclepidaceae in the said region.


D Leelavathi is currently working as an Associate Professor in the Department of Botany at MES College, Bangalore. She has published 10 research papers, presented in various international and national journals/conferences and she is currently working on a minor research project funded by UGC. She has also presented a paper in 4th international conference on medicinal plants and herbal products held at John Hopkins University, USA, 2012.


Origanum vulgare L., a perennial herb belonging to the family Lamiaceae is cultivated for its leaves for extraction of essential oil. The oil of Origanum, obtained from all the aerial parts of the plant is used in high grade flavor preparations, perfumery, cosmetic and liquor industries. In order to meet the growing demand of its oil and herbage, in vitro techniques are being used as an alternative method for large scale multiplication and conservation. In the present investigation, in vitro apical buds were cultured on MS medium supplemented with BAP to induce multiple shoots. In vitro leaf explants were cultured on MS basal medium supplemented with BAP+2,4-D to induce callus which was sub cultured onto the same medium to obtain profuse callus. Callus was later cultured on shoot regenerating medium, MS+BAP+2,4-D to produce multiple shoots. Well developed multiple shoots developed roots on the same medium and the axenic plants were subjected to hardening. Regenerated plants were acclimatized which were transferred to soil with 80-90% of survival frequency. In vitro and in vivo leaves were subjected to phytochemical analysis for the determination of principle component. In vivo leaf and stem contains higher percentage of thymol and of methyl chavicol. The in vitro apical buds were used for synthetic seed production using sodium alginate and calcium chloride as matrix and complexing agent for encapsulation. Hardened multiple shoots obtained from apical bud, leaf callus and synthetic seeds serves as a source of ex situ conservation.


R Sowmya is currently an Assistant Professor, Department of Botany of Yuvaraja’s College, University of Mysore, India. She has obtained her MSc from the Bangalore University in the year 1994 and MPhil in 1996. She has completed her PhD with the thesis entitled “Utilization of VAM fungi for improving the establishment of micropropagated plants” in 2002 under the guidance of Prof. D. H. Tejavathi. She continued her research as a Research Associate in the CSIR Project “Commercial exploitation of regenerates of Agave”. She has published research papers in national and international journals and presented her research work in national and international conferences.


Bacopa monnieri (L.) Pennell is commonly known as “Brahmi” belongs to the family Scrophulariaceae. It is one of the most important medicinal plants, which has fascinated the fields of traditional and modern system of medicine as memory enhancer and nervine tonic. To understand the influence of AM fungi alone and with a phosphate solubilizing organism on micropropagated plant in comparison with normal plants, an attempt has been made in the present study. Micropropagated plants were raised on MS medium supplemented with Kin and BAP from leaf explants. Both normal and micropropagated plants were inoculated with Glomus mosseae and G. fasciculatum alone and in combination with Trichoderma viride in pots. Percent colonization and spore count were recorded in both normal and micropropagated treated and control plants. Micropropagated plants showed early and better colonization with AMF association compared to normal plants. Plant growth and biomass were recorded for treated and control of normal and micropropagated plants. AMF enhanced the growth of micropropagated plants considerably with G. mosseae in combination with T. viride compared to control plants. Micropropagated inoculated plants showed increased level of chlorophylls, total proteins and total phenolics but reducing sugars and total carbohydrates content showed decreased level compared to control plants. The increased level in the Bacoside A-content was recorded in plants treated with G. mosseae along with T. viride. The micropropagated B. monnieri plants responded excellently to the AMF inoculation with T. viride and showed better establishment in the pots by availing good growth and improved physiological condition.


P Anitha is currently working as an Associate Professor in the Department of Botany at MES College, Bangalore (Deputed from BMS College for Women, Bangalore). She has published 10 research papers, presented research papers in various international and national journals/conferences and completed 2 research projects funded by UGC and VGST. She was conferred with “Talented Scientist Award” for her outstanding contribution to the medicinal plant research during the 4th international conference on medicinal plants and herbal products held at John Hopkins University, USA, 2012.


Andrographis paniculata Nees of the family Acanthaceae, one of the most potential medicinal herbs is used in many pharmacological properties. The main constituent of the herb is Andrographolide; in addition to this Andrographolide esters and lactones have been found to be cancerolytic, hepatoprotective, anti HIV etc., (under testing in vitro). The main objective is to conserve germplasm through somatic embryogenesis and encapsulation. The present investigations have revealed hypocotyls, cotyledons and embryo cultures of Andrographis paniculata were induced to produce somatic embryos on MS media supplemented with 2,4-D (4.56 µm). Somatic embryos at different stages of development were transferred on to maturation and germination media. Somatic embryos were encapsulated and transferred to the recovery media and plantlets were developed. In vitro conservation through somatic embryogenesis and encapsulation may offer a better approach compared to organogenesis for developing scale-up technology by employing bioreactors


B Pushpavathi has completed her PhD degree in the 2010 under the guidance of Dr. D.H. Tejavathi on utilization of AM fungi in ex situ cultivation of micropropagated mulberry plants for better establishment and yield. She has published papers in national and international journals and has made presentations at many international and national conferences. She was conferred with “Young Scientist” award at 4th international conference on medicinal plants and herbal products held at Johns Hopkins University, USA in 2012.


Morus indica commonly known as Mulberry is of paramount importance in sericulture industries. Morus indica, member of the family Moraceae is a multipurpose tree. Though mulberry foliage constitute the chief food for silkworms, extract from flowers fruits, bark, leaves are of great medicinal value. The most active ingredients are Rutoside and DNJ (1-deoxynojirimycin HCl). Leaf extract is rich in amino acids, vitamin C and antioxidants. DNJ and rutoside are very effective in the treatment of curing diabetes mellitus in addition to regulating blood fat levels balancing blood pressure and boosting metabolism. DNJ has been proved to inhibit the activities of α-glucosidase which lowers blood sugar levels. Hence to meet the demand and supply an attempt has been made to conserve by in vitro techniques (mass multiplication) and by utilization of biofertilizers. Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) can form a symbiosis with a wide variety of plant hosts. Beneficial interactions between AMF and commercial plants have been well documented. In the present investigations both normal and micropropagated plants of Morus indica were inoculated with two species of Glomus mosseae and Glomus fasciculatum. The percent of root colonization and morphological parameters were investigated in the field conditions. Alpha glucosidase enzyme inhibition assay in leaf samples of field grown control and micropropagated plants with or without AMF inoculation was conducted to estimate IC50 value. The inoculated plants showed better colonization and better growth performance. Thus AMF influenced the whole physiological status of the host plants as biofertilizers


S Padma has completed her PhD degree in the year 2013 under the guidance of Dr. D. H. Tejavathi on In vitro regeneration and phytochemical studies in Sauropus androgynous (L.) Merr. She was awarded with a Research Fellowship in Science for meritorious students under UGC NON-SAP program. She has published three papers in national and international journals and has made presentations on her research work at many international and national conferences. She was conferred with “Young Scientist Award” at 4th international conference on medicinal plants and herbal products held at Johns Hopkins University, USA. 2012.


In order to bring about sustainable resource conservation, management and improvement of useful medicinal plants, it is essential to adopt different economical approaches. One such basic approach includes plant tissue culture which forms an integral part of any plant biotechnological activity. In this regard one of the most important Southeast Asian plant Sauropous andrgynous was subjected to few tissue culture procedures in order to conserve and reintroduce its improved version. Recent advances in the development of protocols for in vitro culture and genetic manipulation have provided new avenues for the development of novel varieties of Sauropus androgynous. S. androgynous is a member of Euphorbiaceae, popularized as multivitamin plant and consumed as green leafy vegetable due to its rich nutritional profile including proteins, vitamins, minerals, essential amino acids, etc. The plant is cautioned for excessive consumption due to the presence of Papaverine alkaloid which at higher concentration leads to Bronchiolitis obliterans. Optimized techniques of nodal cultures on Murashige and Skoog’s and Phillips and Collins media with various growth regulators has supplemented the conventional propagation methods in commercial production resulting in availability of improved Sauropus through both organogenesis and somatic embryogenesis. The development of regeneration systems for S. androgynous has opened possibilities for developing genotypes with novel characters including low quantity Papaverine content which has facilitated conventional improvement programs thereby providing a valuable resource to the food a pharmaceutical industry. Based on this research, plant tissue culture techniques show promise for economical and convenient application in Sauropus androgynous breeding.


Hemalata S K has completed her PhD from Bangalore University in 2016. She has also successfully completed MPhil and published seven research articles in international journals. She has teaching experience in Botany and Biology to all undergraduates and graduates for more than 20 years in Bangalore. She has also worked as a Coordinator for Practical allotment in Department of Pre University for more than 10 years.


One of the members of the family Hyacinthaceae Urginea indica found in all parts of India on rocky and hilly areas. The plant is known to contain phytochemicals which are useful for a number of purposes. The objective of this study is to investigate the types of phytochemicals and examining the relevance of their phytochemicals to plant protection. The use of phytochemicals as natural antimicrobial agents, commonly called "biocides" is gaining popularity. The most essential of these bioactive constituents of plants are alkaloids, tannins, flavonoids and phenolic compounds. The plant Urginea indica is popular in the medicinal plant trade to treat respiratory and urinary problems, flatulence, stomach ache, fevers, syphilis and to facilitate childbirth. The present investigation was focused on the preliminary phytochemical and antimicrobial studies of solvents extracts of Urginea indica (Roxb.) Kunth (Hyacinthaceae). Already the message “green medicine” is safe and more dependable than the costly synthetic drugs many of which have adverse side effects have passed on to many parts of the world. Urginea indica (Roxb.) Kunth (Hyacinthaceae) results were clearly revealed that the plant contained different bioactive compounds such as of alkaloids, anthoquinones, steriods and flavonoids compounds were rich in the alcoholic extracts. 

  • Poster Presentations

Session Introduction

Elena Dmitriyevna Danilenko

Federal Budgetary Research Institution State Research Center of Virology and Biotechnology "Vector", Russia

Title: The development of a novel drug on the basis of conjugates of cytokines with bisphosphonates for the treatment of bone metastases

Elena Dmitriyevna Danilenko was graduated from Novosibirsk State University and defended her dissertation for PhD in 2006. She is currently the Director of the Institute of Medical Biotechnology, the branch of the State Research Center of Virology and Biotechnology "Vector". She is the author of more than 50 articles in refereed journals and 4 patents.


The interest to tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNFa) and interferon gamma (IFNγ) as drug agents for the treatment of bone metastases is explained by antitumor properties of these proteins as well as by their ability to regulate the remodeling processes in bone tissue. Bisphosphonates characterized by the ability to accumulate in bone tissue and to regulate the activity of osteoclasts/osteoblasts can be used as vector molecules for the targeted delivery of cytokines into the bone. The purpose of this study was to develop the method for synthesizing the conjugates of TNFa and IFNγ with bisphosphonate alendronic acid (ALN) and to explore their antitumor activity. The conjugates of TNFa or IFNγ with ALN were obtained by the synthesis on a solid media using 1-ethyl-3-[3-dimethylaminopropyl] carbodiimide hydrochloride. The method involving the fixation of active components on a solid phase yielded conjugates of high degree homogeneity (up to 95.7%) and a stoichiometry close to 1:1. The output of conjugates in the synthesis reaction was 90±3%. In an experimental model of bone metastases of melanoma B16-F10, induced in C57Bl/6 mice by intracardiac administration was showed that the conjugates of TNFa-ALN and IFNγ-ALN had the ability to trigger necrotic changes in the tumor tissue, covering 40-90% and 30-100% of ​​the metastasis area, respectively. The administration of TNFa-ALN conjugates reduced melanoma lesions of epiphyseal and diaphyseal bone tissue of the femur. These findings confirm the prospects of further development of a novel drug based on the conjugates of cytokines for the treatment of bone metastases.


Virginia Dinca-Balan has completed her PhD from Bucharest University, Romania. She is the Assistant Professor Doctor of Biophysics and Medical Physics at Ovidius University of Constanta, Romania. She has published more than 22 papers in reputed international journals and three chapters in books.


Studies have shown that carbon thin films, having good biocompatibility, are suitable as surface coatings on biomedical devices, including bone implants and cardiovascular devices. Doping of carbon with selective elements is an attractive method to enhance the biological and other properties of the thin film. Silver (Ag) is known to be a potent antibacterial agent that has been used in biomedical engineering with good effects. In this work, Silver was chosen as the dopant because of its anti-bacterial properties. Silver carbon nanoparticles were deposited on glass and silicon substrates by Thermionic Vacuum Arc (TVA) method in one electron gun configuration. As the chemical interactions between Ag and C generally are very weak and the interactions between the used transition metals and C are strong, it was expected that Ag to form a separate phase. This was observed as the nanocomposite films were consisting of Ag grains embedded in a nanocrystalline or nanocomposite matrix. The effects of silver on the carbon matrix surface morphology and wettability were investigated by using: Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) and Free Surface Energy (FSE) by See System. From the TEM measurements we obtained 6.85 nm for Ag nanoparticle and 159.61 nm for carbon and the Free Surface Energy proved a hydrophobic character for the CAg thin film.


Aurelia Mandes has completed her Doctoral studies at the University of Bucharest in 2010 with the thesis entitled Comparative study of carbon nanostructures deposited by the thermionic vacuum arc method and magnetron sputtering. She has 24 papers published in international journals and three chapters in books.


Silver and silver-based compounds are known as potent antibacterial agents having a large spectrum of activity and they have been studied in biomedical applications for many years. Furthermore, in weird situations, the incorporation of silver into Ti compounds can modify their properties by acting as a solid lubricant. It is bioinert, it does not react with anything inside the body, making it the prime candidate for use in procedures such as dental implants, orthopaedic rods, bone plates and other prosthetics. The aim of this paper is to investigate the growth and structure properties of Ag-Ti thin films deposited by thermionic vacuum arc (TVA) technology on silicon, glass and OLC 45 special substrate. TVA method consists from an externally heated cathode surrounded by a Wehnelt cylinder that concentrates high voltage accelerated electrons on the anode material. The anode is a crucible with a spoon like shape which contains the material to be deposited (Ag-Ti). Due to the applied high voltage, continuous evaporating anode material ensures the metal vapor density in steady state in order to ignite and to maintain a bright discharge in carbon vapors in the inter-electrodes space. Because the discharge sustaining gas is just the evaporating atoms in vacuum, the carbon film deposition is carried out in high purity conditions. The properties of the deposited Ag-Ti thin films were investigated in terms of morphology, tribology and wettability. The thin films were characterized using Scanning Electron Microscopy with energy-dispersive X-ray detection (SEM/EDX). Also, the free surface energy has been evaluated by means of Surface Energy Evaluation System using contact angle method. With this measurement we can evaluate the hydrophilicity or hydrophobicity of a thin film


Lucie Mareckova is currently a PhD student of Biochemistry at the Faculty of Science, Charles University of Prague, Czech Republic. She is a Member of the Laboratory of Ligand Engineering at the Institute of Biotechnology CAS, v.v.i., Czech Republic. Her research topic is focused on the development of novel protein binders, derived from small protein domains, targeting diagnostically important molecules.


Most cancer-related deaths are caused by blood-borne metastasis initiated by circulating tumor cells (CTCs) identified in blood stream. CTCs are heterogeneous population of cancer cells of yet not well defined composition which are thought to be metastatic precursors. A population of CTCs which undergo the epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT) process may have enhanced ability to intravasate and to participate on distal metastases formation. Generally, occurrence of mesenchymal CTCs phenotype is supposed to represent a higher risk in diagnosis of further metastatic cancer progression. The monitoring of CTCs in peripheral blood of cancer patients represents an enormous potential for early non-invasive diagnostics of cancer progression, identification of recurrence risks and real-time monitoring of treatment responses. The development of novel types of high-affinity protein binders for epithelial and mesenchymal membrane markers of CTCs is a crucial step for the development of tools for selective CTCs detection and monitoring such as microfluidic chip technology. Small artificial protein binders represent a non-immunoglobulin alternative to antibodies and can be easily modified for the purpose of a chip design. Moreover, they do not contain disulfide bridges, have sufficient thermal stability and are resistant to many organic solvents. In addition, they can be easily produced en mass in E. coli strains. Protein binders targeting CTCs epithelial membrane marker EpCAM or mesenchymal membrane marker N-Cadherin were developed and characterized. The most promising variants will serve as captured proteins on the surface of a microfluidic chip for fast and more precise screening of patients with lung adenocarcinoma. 


Ileana Vera Reyes has completed her PhD from Centro de Investigacion en Estudios Avanzados del Instituto Politecnico Nacional, Mexico. She is a recipient of a CONACYT Research Fellow.


Modern agriculture requires low impact products; metallic nanoparticles (NPs) with antimicrobial effects could serve for this purpose. For that reason the aim of this work was to analyze the effect of pure zinc oxide nanoparticles (ZnO NPs) and zinc oxide NPs doped with silver (1.25 and 2.5 % w/w), against two very damaging plant pathogenic fungi: Fusarium oxysporum and Alternaria solani, which are the main pathogens responsible for severe diseases of a large number of agricultural crops. We synthesized nanometric ZnO particles at very low-temperature by using a mechanically assisted metathesis reaction, that permitted the formation of spherical nanoparticles with mean sizes of around 20 nm. NPs characterization was accomplished by X-ray diffraction; the size and shape of the particles were studied by transmission electron microscopy (TEM). The effect of ZnO NPs and Ag-doped ZnO NPs against the fungi was done using NPs incorporated to PDA growth medium at different doses (0, 250, 500 and 1000 mg L-1). ANOVA and Tukey multiple range tests were used to analyze data. The application of 1000 mg L-1 concentration of ZnO NPs produced maximum growth inhibition of fungal hyphae. We also assessed the effectiveness of combining the ZnO and silver nanoparticles, however they did not exhibit a greater antimicrobial activity than pure ZnO NPs. Based on this results; it is viable that tested ZnO NPs could be used in programs of sustainable agriculture, since they are required in minute quantities by comparison to conventional pesticides.


Rosario R Martinez Garcia is a Chemical Engineer graduated in 1993 at High Polytechnic Institute Jose A. Echeverría (ISPJAE). Cuba. He has obtained his Master of Science degree in Biotechnology Process (1999). Since 1993, he has been working in the Biotechnology field from 1997 at Center of Molecular Immunology (CIM). He has participated in many postgraduate courses and training related with different themes of biotechnology and its application for the industry. Presently, he is the Chief of Department of Plant Vaccines at CIM.


Protein A is the affinity chromatography ligand of choice for first-step capture in the purification of mAbs as its high selectivity gives excellent purity plus high yields and also functions as the key volume reduction step in the process since Protein A concentrates the product stream. The relatively high cost of these resins leads to consider different operational strategy as evaluate protein A matrixes with better performance in dynamic binding capacity at high flow rates. Recently a new Protein A ligand, AbSolute® High Cap (AbSolute HC), was introduced by Novasep Company that is modified with respect to high binding capacity at higher velocities. This study investigated the performance of AbSolute HC resin during Nimotuzumab capture by measuring its DBC at different flow rates and feed concentrations at lab scale. AbSolute HC data were also compared with Mab Select SuRe, current affinity gel used in the purification process. The process conditions were adjusted including the maximum speed for all steps with an assessment of impact on Nimotuzumab purity using AbSolute HC. In addition the impact of loading amount on aggregates formation with this media and the resin lifetime were evaluated. The results showed better DBC at 10% on AbSolute HC than Mab Select Sure, with a higher DBC at 10% on Absolute HC with IgG concentration at 2 g/L than 0.13 g/L. No significant loss of purity or yield for speeds until 1000 cm/h for all steps was obtained using AbSolute HC resin. The lifetime of the media was tested up to 200 cycles with suitably results using NaOH and PAB solution.


Khaled M Al-Qaoud was graduated in 1999 from the Bernhard Nocht Institute for Tropical Medicine in Hamburg and is working as a full Professor in the Department of Biological Sciences at Yarmouk University. He has published about 35 international publications and 3 patents in the field of camel antibody discovery and pharmaceutical usage. He succeeded in gaining good experience in linking the scientist in the academia with the industrial sector in the field of biotechnology, ended by the establishment of a biotech cluster of scientists from different disciplines.


Production of recombinant therapeutic proteins using cell-based host expression system is regarded as the corner stone in the treatment of various life-threatening diseases including cancer and autoimmune diseases. About 70% of the recently approved therapeutic proteins are produced in Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cell lines. However, the presence of host cell proteins (HCPs) as low as (1 to 100 ppm) will adversely affect the quality, safety and immunogenicity thus affecting the acceptance of the produced bio-therapeutic proteins. Searching for reliable, detectable and generic method for HCP detection is mandatory. In this regard, we assume that Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy (EIS) is the method of choice. Polyclonal rabbit antibody raised against CHO cell proteins extract were immobilized to a gold electrode that has been treated with 8-mercaptooctanoic acid and then activating the layer with EDC/NHS. Following the addition of CHO proteins and its further interaction with the rabbit antibodies, the charge transfer resistance is monitored. Notably the addition of successive concentrations of CHO protein extracts increased the charge transfer resistance of the electrochemical system. Results comparison with a commercial ELISA quantification system revealed consistent results with higher sensitivity using the electrochemical system. System validation using real and CHO-HCP-spiked therapeutics is in progress


Bousba Ratiba has received her PhD degree in 2012 in plant physiology and biochemistry from Constantine University. She is life member of network durum wheat research and her current research interests include: abiotic stress, molecular marker, plant physiology and plant biotechnology.  Presently she is assistant professor at Constantine University and published six papers. She is   reviewer in many journals of plant crop research, genetics and physiology. She has done many handouts on mycorhyses, symbiosis and QTL cartography and genetic association phenotype genotype in durum wheat.  


Survival and productivity of crop plants exposed to environmental stresses are dependent on their ability to develop adaptive mechanisms to avoid tolerate stress. This study was following to find characters of resistant under drought stress, it was carried out to study the influence of water deficit in the leaves and roots of durum wheat plants were grown in hydroponic medium and were subjected to different water treatment. At the third leaf emergence stage two genotypes are compared with each other for their tolerance and their biochemical and physiological responses to water deficit. The following parameters are measured superoxide dismutase SOD: Activity, malondialdehyde MDA content, hydrogen peroxide H2O2 level, the content of anthocyanins and chlorophyll. These parameters made difference between genotypes. Thus, this attributes can be used as screening tool for drought tolerance in wheat. They lend full support to results presented by researchers showing that wheat lines can differ consistently for their defensive mechanism. These results also emphasize the important role of secondary metabolites that are anthocyanin in the defense against oxidative stress caused by abiotic stress in the detoxification of reactive oxygen species (ROS) under stress conditions.

Meeyoung Lee

Korea Institute of Oriental Medicine, South Korea

Title: Safety assessment of Guibi-tang: Subchronic toxicity study in Crl:CD SD rats

Meeyoung Lee has completed his Master’s and Doctor’s degree from the College of Veterinary Medicine, Chungnam National University. He is the Researcher working in K-herb Research Center of Korea Institute of Oriental Medicine. She has published more than 10 papers in reputed journals


Guibi-tang (Kihi-To in Japanese and Qui-Pi-Tang in Chinese) is a multiherbal traditional Korean medicinal formula used for treatment of amnesia, fatigue, poor memory or forgetfulness, anemia, insomnia and necrosis. The aim of the present study was to investigate potential safety, if any, of subchronic administration of Guibi-tang aqueous extract (GBT) in laboratory animals. For this study, 0, 1000, 2000 and 5000 mg/kg/day of GBT was administered to Crl:CD Sprague Dawley rats (10/sex/group) for 13 weeks via oral gavage. Administration of the GBT did not result in any mortality, body weight, food consumption, hematology, serum biochemistry, clinical or ophthalmological signs or changes in urinalysis, gross findings or organ weight. However, histopathology revealed forestomach hyperplasia and duodenum mucosal hyperplasia in rats of both sexes at the highest dose of GBT, 5000 mg/kg/day. Therefore, the no-observed-adverse-effect level in rats was established for GBT at 2000 mg/kg/day under the conditions of this study



Background & Aim: Samsoeum has long been used in Korea and other Asian countries as a traditional medicine to treat various diseases. In this study, we investigated the antiasthma effect of the herbal medicine Samsoeum water extract (SSEW) using an ovalbumin (OVA)-induced asthma mouse model.

Methods: BALB/c mice were sensitized by an intraperitoneal injection of OVA and subsequently challenged with nebulized OVA. We investigated the number of inflammatory cells, the production of Th1/Th2 cytokines and chemokine in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid (BALF), histological changes in lung tissue, the infiltration of inflammatory cells and hyperplasia of goblet cells in lung tissue, the levels of immunoglobulinE (IgE) in BALF and plasma and the expression of inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) in lung tissue.

Results: Our results indicated that SSEW decreased the accumulation of inflammatory cells (particularly, eosinophil and neutrophil) and regulated the balance in the production of Th1/Th2 cytokines and chemokine in BALF. Moreover, SSEW suppressed the level of IgE in BALF and plasma and inhibited the infiltration of inflammatory cells, hyperplasia of goblet cells and the expression of iNOS in lung tissue.

Conclusions: These findings suggest that, because of its anti-inflammatory and antiasthma properties, SSEW may be useful in reducing airway inflammation in the treatment of asthma.

Barbara Orzechowska

Institute of Nuclear Physics Polish Academy of Sciences, Poland

Title: Atomic force microscopy: A tool to measure mechanical properties of living cells

Barbara Orzechowska has completed her Master’s degree at the Jagiellonian University in 2012. She is currently a PhD student at the Institute of Nuclear Physics Polish Academy of Sciences in Cracow, Poland.


Atomic force microscopy is a very useful tool used to characterize various properties of samples that can be placed in distinct environment. Its main advantage is to probe elastic properties of living cells in a quantitative manner through the Young’s (elastic) modulus. Mechanical properties of single cells should play a critical role in the development and progression of various diseases. In particular, the increased/decreased deformability is manifested in various cancers giving possibility to use it as a non-labeled biomarker of cancer progression. The main objective of the presented studies is to show neighboring cells of the same or distinct type influences the mechanical properties of single cells. Thus, as the investigated system, skin cells have been chosen, namely, fibroblasts (CCL-110), keratinocytes (HaCaT) and melanoma cells from radial growth phase (WM35). The first step was to measure the elastic properties of both fibroblasts and keratinocytes cultured separately (as a mono-culture) and together (as a co-culture). Then, the elasticity of keratinocytes and melanoma cells has been probed. All measurements were carried out at two time points after 24 hours and 48 hours of culture on living cells grown in culture medium of distinct composition. The obtained results have demonstrated that single cell elasticity, viability and shape are dependent on both the presence of neighboring cells and medium composition. These findings open further possibility to study the mechanics of single cancerous cells, embedded within a normal matrix containing normal cells imitating the environmental conditions of cancer invasion.

Tinatin Sadunishvili

Agricultural University of Georgia, Georgia

Title: Isolation of Cms specific bacteriophages

Tinatin Sadunishvili has completed her PhD from Durmishidze Institute of Biochemistry and Biotechnology, Agricultural University of Georgia (AUG) and Postdoctoral research at Institute of Enzymology and Etvos Lorand University, Budapest. She is the Professor and Head of Laboratory of Plant Biochemistry and Biotechnology at Durmishidze Institute of Biochemistry and Biotechnology, AUG. She has been elected as a Member of GNAS in 2015. She has published more than 60 papers in reputed journals and has been serving as an Editorial Board Member of journals: Bulletin of the Georgian NAS, Annals of Agrarian Sciences and Microbiology and Biotechnology (Tbilisi).


Bacterial ring rot is a highly infectious disease of potato caused by Clavibacter michiganensis subsp. sepedonicus (Cms). Crop losses caused with ring rot range from 11 to 44% in different countries and significantly increases during potato storage. In EU member states Cms is under strict statutory control. Management of ring rot of potato is especially difficult in storage places, where the pathogen, being in a latent form, may infect almost all tubers. Some disinfectants or fumigants are recommended on seed potatoes and during storage. Achieving sustainable agriculture necessitate the search for safer, more specific and environment-friendly control methods. The aim of the project is to identify the spread of potato ring rot in Georgia, isolate the pathogen and its specific bacteriophages for their biological control. Field studies in 5 potato production regions did not reveal ring rot disease; though there were some tubers in potato storage houses carrying Cms, which was confirmed by molecular detection method. Several pure Cms isolates were recovered from these samples and confirmed by specific PCR they are Cms; their cells shapes, colony morphology and biochemical tests have been studied. Collected soil and diseased potato samples were checked on Cms Georgian and Polish isolates on phage content. Four bacteriophages were obtained. Phagosensitivity of the isolates to phages have been studied. Phages #8 and 13 lyse almost all Georgian and Polish Cms isolates.


Giorgi Kvesitadze has completed his PhD from Bach Institute of Biochemistry, Moscow and Postdoctoral research at University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia and Lehigh University, Bethlehem,  USA. He is the Director of the Durmishidze Institute of Biochemistry and Biotechnology and Professor at AUG. He has been elected as a Member of GNAS in 1988. He is the author of more than 110 papers in reputed journals and has been serving as an Editorial Board Member of International journals: Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, EuroBiotech Journal, Journal of Biological Physics and Chemistry, Annals of Agrarian Sciences and of national journal: Bulletin of the Georgian NAS.


Search for energy from renewable resources is more urgent now than ever. In natural environments, fungi are the primary degraders of lignocellulosic biomass, excreting both hydrolytic and oxidative enzymes. The majority of cellulases used in biotechnology are still derived from well-characterized non-extremophilic microorganisms and there is a very little information regarding cellulases from extremophiles. An important drawback of these commonly used industrial enzymes is the lack of activity at even slightly elevated temperature and the tendency of these enzymes to denature at elevated temperatures or other critical conditions. Project is focused on obtaining stable enzymes from Durmishidze Institute of Biochemistry and Biotechnology, AUG unique extremophilic mycelial fungi collection for the creation of biotechnology of production of fuel-bioethanol from agricultural and industrial lignocellulosic wastes. Cellulase/xylanase producers, mesophil Penicillium canescence D 85 and thermophil Sporotrichum pulverulentum T 5-0 synthesizing extracellular enzymes with activities 185 U/g/1600 U/g and 110 U/g/840 U/g, correspondingly, have been selected. Optimum pH of action of the studied cellulase/xylanases was similar and equaled to 4.5-5.0. Simultaneously 21 basidial fungi strains have been selected as laccase producers. Using these enzymes allowed creation of the technology of glucose production from agricultural wastes by hydrolyzing of cellulose up to 80% or higher.


Marie Hlavnickova is a PhD candidate at the 1st Faculty of Medicine, Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic. She is a Member of the Laboratory of Ligand Engineering at the Institute of Biotechnology CAS, v.v.i., Czech Republic. Her research topic is focused on the development of inhibitory protein binders derived from scaffold of albumin-binding domain and suppressing function of cytokine receptors modulating IL-23/Th17 pro-inflammatory axis


Interleukin 17 (IL-17) and its cognate receptor (IL-17RA) play a crucial role in Th17 cells-mediated pro-inflammatory pathway and pathogenesis of several autoimmune disorders including psoriasis. Psoriasis is a chronic inflammatory skin disease with prevalence up to 3% worldwide, it is characterized by hyperplasia of the epidermis, infiltration of leukocytes into both dermis and epidermis and dilation and growth of blood vessels. IL-17 is mainly produced by Th-17 helper cells and via binding to its receptor, mediates IL-17-driven cell signaling in keratinocytes. This work was aimed to generate novel protein binders of IL-17RA that will prevent from binding of IL-17A cytokine to this receptor expressed on the surface of keratinocytes. To this goal, we used a high-complex combinatorial library derived from scaffold of albumin-binding domain (ABD) of streptococcal protein G and ribosome display selection, to yield a collection of ABD-derived high-affinity ligands of human IL-17RA called ARS binders. From 67 analysed ABD variants, 7 different sequence families were identified. Representatives of these groups competed with human IL-17A for binding to recombinant IL-17RA receptor as well as with IL-17RA-IgG chimera as tested in ELISA. Five ARS variants bind to IL-17RA-expressing THP-1 and Raji cells, as tested by flow cytometry. The four variants exhibited high-affinity binding in nanomolar range to human keratinocyte HaCAT cells, as measured using Ligand Tracer Green Line system. Thus, we identified several ARS inhibitory variants with a blocking potential that will be further tested for their immunomodulatory function.


Maia Kukhaleishvili has completed his PhD from St. Andrew the First Called Georgian University of the Patriarchate of Georgia. She is the Director of Georgian Technical University, Biotechnology Center, Scientific-Research Center. She has published more than 15 papers in reputed journals and has great experiences in agriculture and biotechnology sphere.


In vitro plant reproduction widely used in agriculture and biotechnology and has a great advantage compared to traditional breeding methods allows to obtain get planting material in a short-term and plant reproduction can be conducted throughout the year. The present investigation was carried out to select best MS medium protocol and identify perfect hormonal/sucrose combination for three varieties of potato (Solanum tuberosum L): “Nevski”, “Riviera” and “Zefira” for their in vitro cultivation. Potato varieties were studied on three types of MS medium: MS+30 g/l sucrose (6% MS medium), 6% MS medium +1 mg/l BAP+0.05 mg/l IBA and 6% MS medium+1 mg/l BAP+0.1 mg/l IBA. It was revealed that high concentration of IBA has negative effect on plants development, respectively 6% MS medium+1 mg/l BA+0.1 mg/l IBA was not optimal neither cultivars of potato. According to the results cultivars Zefira and Riviera had maximum potential for in vitro rooting (correspondingly: 82.97% and 100%) and shoots (100% and 87.34%) formation on 6% MS medium+1 mg/l BA+0.05 mg/l IBA but Nevsky gave maximum development (rooting 82% and shoot formation 87%) on 6% MS medium. In conclusion, both hormones combination presented in experiment with 30 g/l sucrose showed optimal result on in vitro growing potato cultivars Zefira and Riviera but best in vitro cultivation of Nevsky was revealed MS medium supplemented only 30 g/l sucrose without growth hormones, probably Nevsky has ability to produce itself the amount of hormones which is necessary for its normal growing.

Jerzy Henryk Czembor

Plant Breeding and Acclimatization Institute-National Research Institute, Poland

Title: Identifying new molecular markers for resistance to barley powdery mildew

Jerzy Henryk Czembor has completed his PhD in 1995 from Montana State University, Bozeman, USA. He has worked as a Professor of Agriculture (2012), Head of Laboratory of Applied Genetics (2008-2016) and Head of Department of Plant Breeding and Genetics (2011-2016). He is currently the Head of National Centre of Plant Genetic Resource (Polish GeneBank). He is the author of more than 200 scientific papers and communications.


Powdery mildew, caused by Blumeria graminis f. sp. hordei the windborne fungal pathogen, is one of the most economical important barley foliar diseases in harvest. Breeding for resistance is the important direction for breeders. Introducing and pyramiding new resistance genes to cultivars leads to reducing the impact disease to yield. Barley landraces are rich sources of genetic diversity, but still low operated. Disclosure this materials open new dimension for breeders. Barley landrace Bgh255-3-3, resistant to broad spectrum to B. graminis isolates was crossed with susceptible cultivar Manchurian. The main aim was to define new resistance locus. To achieve this goal; 100 molecular SSR markers was tested in bulk segregants analysis (BSA) method and high throughput diversity array technology (DArT) was applied to F2 population. Identifying new sources of resistance and new molecular markers associated to resistance genes provide possibility to use marker-assisted selection (MAS). This work has practical importance by broadening barley gene pool available to breeders.


Iveta Megrelishvili has completed her PhD from Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University, Georgia. She is the main research scientist of Georgian Technical University, Biotechnology Center and Head of Virology Lab, Scientific-Research Center of Agriculture. He has published more than 12 papers in reputed journals and has great experiences in plant biotechnology sphere


To avoid virus infection of seed potatoes apical meristem method is used all over the world which allows receiving virus free plants. The main problem in seed potato industry is viral contamination. Potato virus symptoms are not always revealed immediately, it depends on such factors as growth conditions, season, time of plant infection, existence of virus vectors, etc. There are number of viruses which affect the plant productivity, they can cause significant decrease in yield. In spite of diverse climatic conditions, potato is high spreading culture in mountain regions of Georgia. The main goal of the research was to study the potato viral diseases distribution in Georgia. Survey for the detection of viral agents was conducted from potato varieties; Agria, Impla, Nevsky, Marfona located in Alkalaki region. Potato cultivars were tested for 6 types of viruses: PVA, PVS, PLRV, PVY, PVM, PVX by means of Double Antibody Sandwich-Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent Assay (DAS-ELISA) using monoclonal and polyclonal antibody. The result showed that PVY and PLRV virus presence respectively: 27.8% and 18.6% in collected samples was relatively high comparing to others. PVM virus distribution was minority (2.45%) and existence of PVX, PVA and PVS was not revealed. In the same samples were found double infection particularly 8.3% of patterns were containing PVY/PLRV combination. Therefore, based on the result of our study it can be concluded that the only way to avoid reduced harvest yields is regular potato seed production sampling and testing of all stage (lab, greenhouse & open field).