Day :
- Advancments in Biotechnology
Location: Melbourne

Khwaja Hossain
Mayville State University, USA
Session Introduction
Assoc Prof Dr. Shian Chao Tay
Senior consultant in Singapore general hospital.
Title: Grip Strength during Forearm Torque in the Elderly – Results from a Novel Measurement Device

A/Prof Tay Shian Chao is a senior consultant in Singapore General Hospital, Department of Hand Surgery. His research interests focus mainly on developing wrist carpal imaging, as well as looking at the kinematics of the wrist. In particular, he is interested in the hysteresis effects in wrist motion and investigating how we can use it to quantify wrist instability. He is also involved in flexor tendon research and actively looking at various repair methods as well as suture knotting techniques and knot locations, to look at both the strength and the friction effects of flexor tendon repairs. He is also currently the director of the Biomechanics Laboratory in Singapore General Hospital.
Grip and pinch strength are the more common methods of assessing hand strength. However, they are usually performed in isolation and often only the maximum value is recorded. In real life, hand function is complex and consists of concurrent use of grip and forearm torque (turning door knob) or pinch and forearm torque (key). As such, we developed a custom-made hand measurement device (figure 1) that could not only measure grip, pinch, and forearm torque (pronation and supination), it could measure these continuously to get both maximum and sustained measurements. The device was built with a tension load cell and a non-rotating torque sensor (Burster praezisionsmesstechnik gmbh & co, Germany) which have been calibrated and validated. The grip handle was designed to be similar to that of a Jamar hand dynamometer handle set at position #2. The measurements were digitally recorded using Burster’s Digivision software. We recruited volunteers and collected data from 233 healthy Singaporean adults aged 60 years and above [1]. We have observed that the sustained grip strength during forearm twisting was 10-20% lower than the maximum grip strength in male. Whereas it was 17-24% lower in female.
We have quantified grip strength in combination with forearm torque and found that it can be up to 25% lower than maximum grip strength. This data can be used to complement existing ergonomic data for designing of better rehabilitation and assistive tools.
senior reseacher of Crop Cultivation & Environment Research Division, National Institute of Crop Science
Title: Effect of Green Manure Crops Treatments on the Soil Conditions and Corn Yield Production
Kang Bo Shim has completed his PhD at the age of 40 years from Seoul National University. He is senior reseacher of Crop Cultivation & Environment Research Division, National Institute of Crop Science, Rural Development Administration, Suwon 441-857, South Korea. He has published more than 20 papers
This study was conducted to find optimum mixed sowing ratio of green manure crops to improve the chemical soil condition as well as to increase the crop yield potential which will foster the utilization of green manure crops in the upland field in view of environment friendly agriculture. According to the study, the mixed ratio, 50:50, of hairy vetch and green barley showed highest nitrogen production yield, 17.2kg per 10a, in the soil due to the relatively higher organic nitrogen supply from the hairy vetch plant as well as nitrogen fixation from the air rather than other mixed ratio. Otherwise, other soil chemical conditions, such as pH, EC, Av. P2O3 and exchangeable cations, showed different results depending on the mixed sowing ratio of green manure crops. In case of pH, the mixed ratio, 100:0, treatment showed to increase to 7.0 from 6.0 of control (chemical fertilizer treatment). Available P2O3 amount showed highest at the mixed ratio, 100:0, treatment as 453mg/kg. We also conducted the experiment to compare the effect of the mixed sowing treatment of green manure crops on the production of corn cultivated as a succeeding plant of green manure crops. The mixed ratio, 50:50, of hairy vetch and green barley treatment showed highest yield potential of corn as 153kg per 10a in seed weight which is due to the relatively higher organic nitrogen supply from the hairy vetch plant as well as nitrogen fixation from the air rather than other mixed ratio. In the mixed sowing treatment of hairy vetch 100 and barley 0 ratio, the corn production showed 148kg per 10a which is 5kg lower than that of hairy vetch 50 and barley 50 ratio, but showed statistically no difference between those two treatment Therefore, we found that green manure crops, such as hairy vetch, green barley and rye were very effective crops to improve the soil fertility and gave the positive effect to the crop cultivation and, in turn, increased the yield potential. This work was supported by a grant from development of optimum utilization technology of organic resource for soil fertility improvement in upland soil (No. PJ0112272017), Rural Development Administration of Korea.
Dr. Naser feto
Senior Lecturer & Leader, OMICS Research Group & Facility: Department of Biotechnology, Faculty of Applied & Computer Sciences
Title: Comparative and Functional Metagenomic Analyses of Goat Rumen Microbiota Naser Aliye Feto1
Dr Naser Aliye Feto is a protein engineer by training. He has successfully engineered colour variants of green fluorescent proteins for improved thermostability, folding kinetics and pH-sensitivity. He is a founding head of OMICS Research Group and OMICS Research Facility furnished with the state-of-the-art scientific equipment. He is currently supervising 2 Postdocs and 3 PhD, 7 Masters and 2 Honor students working on a number of cutting-edge research projects. His OMICS Group uses OMICS (Metagenomics, Transcriptomics, Proteomics and Metabolomics) approach to address scientific questions and develop biotechnological products. He is a recipient of Faculty Research Achievement Award for 2015 and Vice-Chancellor’s 2016 “WOW” Award for his commitment and active participation in his respective role.
Goat (Capra aegagrus hircus) consumes wide varieties of feeds and vegetation than either sheep or cattle amd other ruminants. Hence, it is expected that goat rumen is endowed with diverse microbial population that could be sources of biomolecules of potential industrial and therapeutic importance. Thus, deep sequencing of 7 out of 9 hypervariable regions of bacterial 16S rRNA genes mined from metagenome of goat rumen was performed using Ion PGM™ next generation sequencing platform. The analysis was made using the CLC Microbial Genomics Module in CLC Genomics Workbench 9.1 (CLC Bio, Qiagen). Accordingly, a total of 1,257,757 reads and 3,999 OTUs were obtained. In brief, marked differences in the proportions and composition of the bacterial communities were observed at the class level. Proteobacteria was found to be the dominant phylum across all samples, followed by Bacteroidetes and Firmicutes. In three out of four goats, Gammaproteobacteria was the most abundant class, whereas the most dominant classes in one the goats were Bacterioidia and Clostridia. Alpha diversity was calculated for each sample based on the OTU composition generated at the 97% sequence similarity level. Results of rarefaction based on number of OTUs generally indicate that despite some variability all of goat samples had the high level of bacterial alpha richness and the general trend of diversity was almost similar. Functional contributions of bacteria in the four goat rumen samples were evaluated using OTUs based on Greengene database. Results of PICRUSt revealed a total of 301 groups at level 3 KEGG Orthology. Further mining of genes encoding for biomolecules of commercial importance from goat rumen metagenome is being conducted in our group. Therefore, one can conclude that goat rumen harbors diverse microbial population and could be of potential source of biomolecules of therapeutic and industrial importance.
Jeak Ling Ding
senior researcher Dept Biological Sciences, National University of Singapore
Title: Endotoxin Diagnostics and Depyrogenation - from Cloning to Biomedical Applications
Jeak Ling DING’s expertise in medical biotechnology led to the genetic engineering of the limulus Factor C (rFC), which constitutes the PyroGene kit for endotoxin detection. This has revolutionized the way medical products are quality-assured for human use. She also led the development of LPS-removal technology, which depyrogenates water for pharmaceutical applications and parenteral fluids for intravenous injections
During Gram-negative bacterial infection, endotoxin (aka lipopolysaccharide, LPS) released from the outer membrane of the gram-negative bacteria, interacts with host sensor/receptor proteins to drive inflammation and pyrogenic reaction. In severe persistent infections, excessive LPS induces septic shock. The ubiquity of endotoxin poses a threat to the biotechnology, pharmaceutical and healthcare industries. The quality assurance for injectable drugs and medical devices, to be free of endotoxin, started with the slow, less efï¬cient and expensive pyrogen test using rabbits. In the mid-1970s, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved the Limulus amoebocyte lysate (LAL) for testing endotoxin contamination. However, the LAL test requires the harvesting and bleeding of the horseshoe crab. Problems with the speciï¬city of LAL to endotoxin and the threats on horseshoe crab extinction called for an alternative more reliable endotoxin test. This paper reviews biotechnology efforts on cloning and expression of recombinant Factor C (rFC), the endotoxin-inducible sensor in LAL, which establishes a synthetic rapid diagnostic test for endotoxin. The rFC-based PyroGene® is US FDA-approved. Based on the identified LPS-binding motifs in rFC, we synthesized short peptides (sushi domains) and innovated LPS-removal system to depyrogenate parenteral fluids.
- Agriculture Biotechnology
Location: Melbourne
Tingting Deng
Chinese academy of Inspection and Quarantine, China
Session Introduction
Dr. Jian-Xing Wu Biomedical engineering Ntional cheng kung University
Title: An FPGAâ€based chaos synchronisation classifier for estimation of peripheral vascular occlusion using photoplethysmography
Jian-Xing Wu was born in 1985. He received the B.S. degree in Electrical Engineering from the Southern Taiwan University of Science and Technology, Tainan, Taiwan, in 2007, the M. S. degree in Electrical Engineering from the Southern Taiwan University of Science and Technology, Tainan city, Taiwan, in 2009 and the Ph.D. degree in Biomedical Engineering from National Cheng Kung University, Tainan city, Taiwan, in 2014. Currently, he is a postdoctoral research fellow of Experimental Technique Group, National Synchrotron Radiation Research Center, where has been since 2014. His research interests include biomedical signal processing, medical ultrasound and medical device design, X-ray microscopy.
This study proposes a method for the estimation of peripheral vascular occlusion (PVO) in diabetic foot using a sprott chaos synchronisation (SCS) classifier with the wolf pack search (WPS) algorithm. The longterm presence of elevated blood sugar levels commonly results in peripheral neuropathy, peripheral vascular disease, nephropathy, and retinopathy in patients with Type 2 diabetes mellitus. Patients with PVO disease have decreased walking capability and life quality in diabetes mellitus and poor peripheral circulation of PVO causes morbidity like infection and amputation of the legs or feet of diabetics. This progressively vascular occlusion is often ignored by the patients and primary care physicians in early stage. Therefore, a reliable method of diagnostic assistance is crucial for early diagnosis and monitoring of PVO and prevention of amputation. Photoplethysmography (PPG) is a non-invasive technique for detecting blood volume changes in peripheral vascular bed. Literature indicates that the pulse transit time increases and waveform shape changes increase in PPG of the vascular occlusion. PPG pulses of feet gradually become asynchronous due to the different speed of deteriorating patency and collateral circulation in the peripheral arteries. We utilized synchronizing chaotification to compare the bilateral similarity and asymmetry of PPG signals, and applied SCS to estimate three degrees of PVO. Among 30 subjects tested, this classification technique could recognize various butterfly motion patterns representing severities successfully including normal condition, lower-degree disease, and higher-degree disease. The proposed method has potential for providing diagnostic assistance for PVO of diabetics and other high-risk populations, with efficiency and higher accuracy
Soraya Siabani
Ass.professor in Public health school Kermanshah University of Medical Sciences(KUMS) & Registered External Supervisor at the University technology Sydney
Title: Histopathology criteria suggesting Microsatellite instability in colorectal cancer in Iranian patients
Dr. Soraya Siabani MD PhD, is an associate professor at Kermanshah University of Medical Sciences KUMS (Iran), and an external supervisor at University Technology Sydney (UTS) Australia. Soraya received her PhD in Public Health from the University of Sydney (Australia) She also has a medical doctorate from KUMS (Iran). Her research focuses on health promotion and epidemiology of chronic diseases
Background and aim: Colorectal cancer is the third most common cancer and significant cause of death worldwide. Microsatellite instability (MSI) mostly is a characteristic feature of familial colorectal cancer that helps doctors to predict the prognosis, select drugs of choice and ask for genetic consultation looking for hereditary colorectal cancers. This study aimed to investigate histopathology features of colorectal carcinoma suggesting MSI, based on revised Bethesda guideline among Iranian patients.
Material and method: In this analytical cross-sectional study, 230 patients with colorectal cancer, registered at Imam Hossein hospital in Tehran (April 2010 to March 2016) were participated. The tumour tissue samples were explored, by a skilful pathologist, for tumour infiltrating lymphocyte, crohn’s like peritumoral infiltration,Mucinous differentiation, signet ring cell differentiation and medullary growth pattern. The relationship between those variables and Sex, age, tumor site, tumor size, regional lymph nodes, Dirty necrosis, Intratumoral heterogeneity, Lymphovascular invasion, perineural invasion, microscopic tumor extension (pT), Grade and stage were analysed using SPSS and applying biostatistic tests including Chi-squair and t-test. Alpha less than 0.05 was consider as significant relationship between variables when ever applying.
Results: The findings indicated that the most common histopathologic feature suggesting MSI in Iranian patients is tumour infiltrating lymphocytes and also there is significant relationship between these features and patient age, tumour size, absence of perineural invasion, high grade histology and histological differentiation of adenocarcinoma.
Conclusion: Concerning the limitations of this study including unavailable adequate information about patients’ therapeutic possess, existing metastasis and medical family history, further studies, cohort and registry studies, in particular would be recommended.
Key words: Colorectal carcinoma; Microsatellite instability; lynch syndrome; histopathology; revised Bethesda guideline; Iran
Khwaja Hossain in Mayville State Univesity
In recent years interest in bio-based polymers has accelerated because of its renewable and biodegradable properties. However, the first generation bio-based polymers were mostly derived from agricultural feedstocks which contradict directly with human food demand. There is limited research in isolating bio-based polymers from crop wastes and their utilization in plant system. Our ultimate goal is to isolate plant polymer, xylan from wheat bran. After characterization of the polymer using spectroscopic and chromatographic techniques, chemical functionalization of xylan hydroxyl groups will be carried out to form a type of nanoparticles within the size range of 50-100 nanometer (nm). These particles will function as extremely small nanocapsules and will be used to encapsulate micronutrients for delivering into plant cells. In this preliminary work, to understand the uptake and translocation of bio-based polymer in plant system, we prepared a Poly (lactic-co-glycolic acid) nanoparticles (NP) tagged with Alexa Fluor 647 dye and applied to germinating seeds of common bean. Analyzing the polymers treated and non-treated tissue of germinated seeds using confocal microscopy, we observed differential uptake and translocation Alexa Fluor 647 dye bound polymer in common bean tissues
Arezou Pakfar
researcher IN Stem Cell Technology Research Center.
Title: Expressions of pathological markers in PRP based chondrogenic differentiation of human adipose derived stem cells
Arezou Pakfar graduated from Science and Research branch of Islamic Azad University in Cellular and Molecular Biology. She has been working in Stem Cell Technology Research Center snice 2013.
Background: Optimization of the differentiation medium through using autologous factors such as PRP is of great consideration, but due to the complex, variable and undefined composition of PRP on one hand and lack of control over the absolute regulatory mechanisms in in vitro conditions or disrupted and different mechanisms in diseased tissue microenvironments in in vivo conditions on the other hand, it is complicated and rather unpredictable to get the desired effects of PRP making it inevitable to monitor the possible pathologic or undesired differentiation pathways and therapeutic effects of PRP. Therefore, in this study the probable potential of PRP on inducing calcification, inflammation and angiogenesis in chondrogenically differentiated cells was investigated.
Methods: The expressions of chondrogenic, inflammatory, osteogenic and angiogenic markers from TGF or PRP-treated cells during chondrogenic differentiation of human adipose-derived stem cells (ADSCs) was evaluated. Expressions of Collagen II (Col II), Aggrecan, Sox9 and Runx2 were quantified using q-RT PCR. Expression of Col II and X was investigated by immunocytochemistry as well. Glycosaminoglycans (GAGs) production was also determined by GAG assay. Possible angiogenic/inflammatory potential was determined by quantitatively measuring the secreted VEGF, TNF and phosphorylated VEGFR2 via ELISA. In addition, the calcification of the construct was monitored by measuring ALP activity and calcium
Results: Our data showed that PRP positively induced chondrogenesis; meanwhile the secretion of
angiogenic and inflammatory markers was decreased. VEGFR2 phosphorylation and ALP activity had
a decreasing trend, but tissue mineralization was enhanced upon treating with PRP.
Conclusions: Although reduction in inflammatory/angiogenic potential of the chondrogenically differentiated constructs highlights the superior effectiveness of PRP in comparison to TGF for chondrogenic differentiation, yetfurther improvement ofthe PRP-based chondrogenic differentiation media is required to inhibitthe production of angiogenic/inflammatory markers, calcification and the release of synthesized GAG out of the construct.
Fig. 1. Gene expression in chondrogenically differentiated cells; cartilage specific genes were expressed in all groups (a–c). TGF: Dif, T1:5%PRP, and T2:15% PRP. Data werenormalized to expresion of house-keeping gene. “*” indicates significant difference.
Fig. 2. Collage Type II, X and glycosaminoglycans expression in chondrogenically differentiated cells; Collagen type II expression and the DAPI staining of TGF: Dif (A1,2),T1:5%PRP (B1,2), and T2:15% PRP (C1,2) groups and Collagen type X expression and the DAPI staining of TGF: Dif (A3,4), T1 (B3,4), T2 (C3,4) groups were visualized byPE-immunostaining; nuclei were counterstained with DAPI. Glycosaminoglycan expression was confirmed by Alician blue staining Dif (D), T1 5% PRP (E), T2 15%PRP (F). (Forinterpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)
Fig. 3. Monitoring the angiogenic potential of the differentiated cells. VEGF was secreted by all differntiated cell (a), tyrosine 1175 residue of VEGFR2 was phosphorylatedunder all studied conditions (b), chemotactic potential of conditioned media of the TGF: Dif (c), T1:5% PRP (d), T2 15% PRP(e) at day 21. “*” indicates significant difference.
Fig. 4. Monitoring the inflammatory potential of the differentiated cells. TNF wassecreted by all differntiated cell (a), all conditioned media had stimulatory effects onU937 migration(b); pos: treated with 10% FBS. “*” indicates significant difference.TGF: Dif, T1:5%PRP, and T2:15% PRP.
Fig. 5. Expression of osteogenic markers in chondrogically differentiated cells. PRPlowered the ALP activity (a), Calcium content increased in PRP treated groups (b),RUNX2 was down regulated in all studied groups. “*” indicates significant difference.TGF: Dif, T1:5%PRP, T2:15% PRP and pos:10% FBS.
Fig. 6. GAG production. All groups represented decreasing trend towards day 21 (a),considerable portion of syntjesized GAG was released out in PRP-based differenti-ated cells (b). “*” indicates significant difference. TGF: Dif, T1:5%PRP, and T2:15%PRP.
- Medical Biotechnology
Location: Melbourne
Mokrish Ajat
Universiti Putra Malaysia, Malaysia
Session Introduction
Md Abu Zafor Sadek
Institute of Business Administration (IBA), University of Dhaka
Title: Global Status of Biosimilars & Prospects in Asia
Md Abu Zafor Sadek is serving as a Senior Additional Manager at Renata Limited, one of the top tier pharmaceutical companies of Bangladesh. Being graduated in Pharmacy from Khulna University Mr. Zafor started his career at Orion Pharmaceuticals Limited as Product Executive. Thereafter he completed his MBA in International Business from Dhaka University. He has more than 10 years career in pharmaceutical management with excellent track record. His area of interests includes launching time demanded new products, brand management, strategy formulation, business opportunity identification, international business, training, presentation skills etc. In addition to his regular job he is perusing for Doctor of Business Administration (DBA) Degree on “Growth Potential of Biosimilars Products in Bangladesh” from Institute of Business Administration (IBA), Dhaka University, the leading business school of the country. He has 04 publications in different local & international journals. He has presented biosimilars and other topics at different conferences around the world including 5th European Biosimilars Congress, Valencia, Spain & 2nd Biosimilars Asia-Pacific Summit, Singapore. He is also involved in writing health column for the leading Bangladeshi newspapers.
Almost one decade back the first biosimilar was launched in Europe. Now they have 15 biosimilars and all are well accepted since high price branded biologics were tough to reach by many patients. Recently biosimilars has been endorsed everywhere in the world starting from underdeveloped to developed countries. United States Food & Drug Administration (USFDA) approved the first biosimilar in 2015 and currently they have 03 biosimilars which are playing pivotal role in price cutting of branded biologics. They also have many biosimilars to be launched shortly. Australia, Canada, Africa and Asia are also aggressive with biosimilars; especially India, Korea and China made remarkable efforts in biosimilars. However, considering the changes in disease pattern, increasing use of biological drugs, huge number of population, rising health awareness, recent economic growth, success history of some biologic companies, dependence on generic items, price sensitivity, relax regulation, growing health budget, very low production cost and other relevant factors Asia is an important hub for biosimilars. Therefore, this study found out the prospects of biosimilars in Asia.
- Environmental Biotechnology
Location: Melbourne Australia
Soraya Siabani
Kermanshah University of Medical Sciences, Iran
- Industrial and Microbial Biotechnology
Location: Melbourne Australia
A M Alseaf
Qassim University, Saudi Arabia
- Nano biotechnology
Location: Melbourne Australia
Jessica domingo rey
University of the Philippines Diliman, Philippines
- Food Biotechnology
Location: Melbourne Australia
Daniel Mavu,
University of Namibia, Namibia
- Marine Biotechnology
Location: Melbourne Australia
Naser Aliye Feto
Vaal University of Technology, South Africa
- Biotechnology
Location: Melbourne Australia
Peter Cheung
The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
- Advancements in Biotechnology | Agriculture Biotechnology | Animal Biotechnology | Environmental Biotechnology | Food Biotechnology |Industrial and Microbial Biotechnology | Marine Biotechnology | Nanobiotechnology
Location: Hampton Room
Session Introduction
Khwaja Hossain
Mayville State University, USA
Title: Uptake and translocation of bio-based polymer in plant tissue
Time : 10:45 to 11:15 AM

Tingting Deng
Chinese academy of Inspection and Quarantine, China
Title: Quantitative identification of species and GM ingredients in food

Tingting Deng, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Chinese Academy of Inspection and Quarantine. Over the past 9 years, she has been focusing on the inspection and quarantine work, devoting herself to the research on the theory and practice of food scientific analysis and finishing research work in the field of the application of molecular identification in food properties, such as GMO detection, food authenticity identification. For the past 5 years in particular, Dr. Tingting Deng has conducted innovative study on the application of molecular biological techniques in the analysis of food and agricultural products with the support of many national scientific research projects. She has won 1 second prizes of Provincial and Ministerial Level Scientific and Technical Progress, 1 First Prize of Chinese Institute award of Food Science and Technology, published 12 papers, been authorized 10 national invention patent and participating in formulating 41 industry standards
GM content in food and feed is strictly regulated in most countries around the world. The implementation of regulation requires the establishment of GMO detection methods that are specific, reliable, sensitive and suitable for quantitative GMO detection. Meat adulteration and mislabeling is also a world widely concern in recent years. However, the determination of adulteration ratio has become a critic issue due to the lack of effective quantitative technique. This presentation will report droplet digital PCR method for quantitative determination of GMO rice events and meat species in food. The experimental amplification results of relative uantification all perfectly matched the theoretical results and the limit of quantitative (LOQ) of GMO was determined to be 0.1%, lower than the labeling threshold level of the EU and many countries, while the meat species method was confirmed to be 1% (w/w). Moreover, its use for several types of food, feed and seed matrices commonly found in routine samples has been verified.
Tingting Deng,
Chinese academy of Inspection and Quarantine, China
Title: Quantitative identification of species and GM ingredients in food

Mokrish Ajat
Universiti Putra Malaysia, Malaysia
Title: Cholesterol uptake in mammalian cells supplemented with edible bird nest (EBN) extract

Soraya Siabani
Kermanshah University of Medical Sciences, Iran Lunch
Title: Why pregnant women do not adherent to iron/folate supplementation? A cross-sectional study
A M Alseaf
Qassim University, Saudi Arabia
Title: Molecular characteristics of Aradi goats with prediction equation of growth pattern

Currently working as professor at Qassim University, Saudi Aarabia.
Jessica D Rey
University of the Philippines Diliman, Philippines
Title: Assessment of seed dispersal through metagenomic analysis of the DNA-barcoded fruit-bat species diet in the tropical lowland forest of Palanan, Isabela

Jessica D Rey is Assistant Professor in University of Philippines, Philippines
Daniel Mavu
University of Namibia, Namibia
Title: A review of rise of modern pharmaceutical biotechnology in antibiotic drug discovery and development from natural sources and future implications

Naser Aliye Feto
Vaal University of Technology, South Africa
Title: Comparative and functional metagenomic analyses of goat rumen microbiota

Peter Cheung,
The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Title: Biosynthetic regulation of production of Antroquinonol from submerged mycelial fermentation of Antrodia camphorate: A mechanistic study

- Plant Biotechnology/Medical biotechnology/Pharmaceutical Biotechnology/
Location: Hampton Room
Abul Mandal
Session Introduction
Soraya Siabani
Kermanshah University of Medical Sciences, Iran
Title: Histopathology criteria suggesting microsatellite instability in colorectal cancer in Iranian patients
Soraya Siabani is an Associate Professor at Kermanshah University of Medical Sciences, Iran and an External Supervisor at University Technology Sydney, Australia. She has received her PhD in Public Health from the University of Sydney, Australia. She also has a Medical Doctorate from KUMS, Iran. Her research focuses on health promotion and epidemiology of chronic diseases.
Background & Aim: Optimization of the differentiation medium through using autologous factors such as PRP is of great consideration, but due to the complex, variable and undefined composition of PRP on one hand and lack of control over the absolute regulatory mechanisms in in vitro conditions or disrupted and different mechanisms in diseased tissue microenvironments in in vivo conditions on the other hand, it is complicated and rather unpredictable to get the desired effects of PRP making it inevitable to monitor the possible pathologic or undesired differentiation pathways and therapeutic effects of PRP. Therefore, in this study the probable potential of PRP on inducing calcification, inflammation and angiogenesis in chondrogenically differentiated cells was investigated.
Methods: The expressions of chondrogenic, inflammatory, osteogenic and angiogenic markers from TGF or PRP-treated cells during chondrogenic differentiation of human adipose-derived stem cells (ADSCs) was evaluated. Expressions of Collagen II (Col II), Aggrecan, Sox9 and Runx2 were quantified using q-RT PCR. Expression of Col II and X was investigated by immunocytochemistry as well. Glycosaminoglycans (GAGs) production was also determined by GAG assay. Possible angiogenic/inflammatory potential was determined by quantitatively measuring the secreted VEGF, TNF and phosphorylated VEGFR2 via ELISA. In addition, the calcification of the construct was monitored by measuring ALP activity and calcium deposition.
Results: Our data showed that PRP positively induced chondrogenesis; meanwhile the secretion of angiogenic and inflammatory markers was decreased. VEGFR2 phosphorylation and ALP activity had a decreasing trend, ut tissue mineralization was enhanced upon treating with PRP.
Conclusions: Although reduction in inflammatory/angiogenic potential of the chondrogenically differentiated constructs highlights the superior effectiveness of PRP in comparison to TGF for chondrogenic differentiation, yet further improvement of the PRP-based chondrogenic differentiation media is required to inhibit the production of angiogenic/inflammatory markers, calcification and the release of synthesized GAG out of the construct.
Kang Bo Shim
National Institute of Crop Science, South Korea
Title: Effect of green manure crops treatments on the soil conditions and corn yield production

This study was conducted to find optimum mixed sowing ratio of green manure crops to improve the chemical soil condition as well as to increase the crop yield potential which will foster the utilization of green manure crops in the upland field in view of environment friendly agriculture. According to the study, the mixed ratio, 50:50, of hairy vetch and green barley showed highest nitrogen production yield, 17. 2kg per 10a, in the soil due to the relatively higher organic nitrogen supply from the hairy vetch plant as well as nitrogen fixation from the air rather than other mixed ratio. Otherwise, other soil chemical conditions, such as pH, EC, Av. P2O3 and exchangeable cations, showed different results depending on the mixed sowing ratio of green manure crops. In case of pH, the mixed ratio, 100:0, treatment showed to increase to 7.0 from 6.0 of control (chemical fertilizer treatment). Available P2O3 amount showed highest at the mixed ratio, 100:0, treatment as 453 mg/kg. We also conducted the experiment to compare the effect of the mixed sowing treatment of green manure crops on the production of corn cultivated as a succeeding plant of green manure crops. The mixed ratio, 50:50, of hairy vetch and green barley treatment showed highest yield potential of corn as 153 kg per 10a in seed weight which is due to the relatively higher organic nitrogen supply from the hairy vetch plant as well as nitrogen fixation from the air rather than other mixed ratio. In the mixed sowing treatment of hairy vetch 100 and barley 0 ratio, the corn production showed 148 kg per 10a which is 5 kg lower than that of hairy vetch 50 and barley 50 ratio, but showed statistically no difference between those two treatment Therefore, we found that green manure crops, such as hairy vetch, green barley and rye were very effective crops to improve the soil fertility and gave the positive effect to the crop cultivation and, in turn, increased the yield potential.
Arezou Pakfar
Science and Research Branch of Islamic Azad University, Iran
Title: Expressions of pathological markers in PRP based chondrogenic differentiation of human adipose derived stem cells

Tom Levy
Ben-Gurion University, Israel
Title: Novel biotechnology for all-female prawn aquaculture by a single injection of hypertrophied androgenic gland cells

Jian Xing Wu
National Synchrotron Radiation Research Center, Taiwan
Title: An FPGAâ€based chaos synchronisation classifier for estimation of peripheral vascular occlusion using photoplethysmography

This study proposes a method for the estimation of peripheral vascular occlusion (PVO) in diabetic foot using a sprott chaos synchronisation (SCS) classifier with the wolf pack search (WPS) algorithm. The longterm presence of elevated blood sugar levels commonly results in peripheral neuropathy, peripheral vascular disease, nephropathy, and retinopathy in patients with Type 2 diabetes mellitus. Patients with PVO disease have decreased walking capability and life quality in diabetes mellitus and poor peripheral circulation of PVO causes morbidity like infection and amputation of the legs or feet of diabetics. This progressively vascular occlusion is often ignored by the patients and primary care physicians in early stage. Therefore, a reliable method of diagnostic assistance is crucial for early diagnosis and monitoring of PVO and prevention of amputation. Photoplethysmography (PPG) is a non-invasive technique for detecting blood volume changes in peripheral vascular bed. Literature indicates that the pulse transit time increases and waveform shape changes increase in PPG of the vascular occlusion. PPG pulses of feet gradually become asynchronous due to the different speed of deteriorating patency and collateral circulation in the peripheral arteries. We utilized synchronizing chaotification to compare the bilateral similarity and asymmetry of PPG signals, and applied SCS to estimate three degrees of PVO. Among 30 subjects tested, this classification technique could recognize various butterfly motion patterns representing severities successfully including normal condition, lower-degree disease, and higher-degree disease. The proposed method has potential for providing diagnostic assistance for PVO of diabetics and other high-risk populations, with efficiency and higher accuracy.